Sheesh, how long do you need to recover?

Event Date

Oct 27, 2020


6 horses in for 6 miles with 3 at a tempo pace at GAGA. Here is their story:



2 miles warm up

3 miles at tempo pace

1 mile cool down

Recover recover



  • Auto hates backblasts. He also hates running EZ and all forms of recovery.
  • Kumquat has run for 302 straight days. Let that sink in.
  • Cherrybomb HC'd for sub 1:40 at the Huntersville Half…GAGA will do the trick
  • 9 Lives likes running in circles maybe more than Fenway
  • Dingo is such a good friend. He will do anything and I mean anything for Auto
  • There was talk of shutting down GAGA for the season. Alas, there we were standing in the parking lot ready for another week of speedwork. 1 week off is all you need after R2R2R allegedly. Thanks to Auto for Qing GAGA and for the constant push to do hard stuff (looking at you "The Murph"). Awesome morning of running and fellowship. The calendar is wide open if you want to Q GAGA. Just make sure you bring an element of speed to the table…did I get that right Hoodie? Until the next time…