Anniversary Party

Event Date

Nov 07, 2020


6 of us arrived to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my total knee replacement. I figured we would keep it real simple and make sure the new knee proved it had stamina.Warm up15 IC SSH6 CARS (Controlled shoulder rotations)WorkoutRight to the workout since we weren’t going to be throwing anything super hard at our bodies…we were just going to keep throwing kinda hard at them for a long time.Using a deck of 52 cards to keep track, we did 52 rounds of 7 squats/7 Merkins (I didn’t think 365 Merkins was going to work so we alternated Merkins with High/Low planks until our elbows were sore and then went straight Merkins.Each round we flipped a card, Kings triggered a sprint to top of parking lot Jack’s triggered quadraphillia to top of lot.Everyone really seemed to love the repitition of this part of the workout. Some guys kept throwing in extra rep for extra credit. Trail run with max pull ups then back to the AO to throw around my new sandbag for a while. Fireman carry up and down the lot too.Finished with Box Cutters, Flutters and American Hammers.MoleskineNice to meet Bertha… He and Salty agreed beards make you sweat apparently.Glad Cheetah finally showed!Strudel and Shirley were winging the sandbag.ReflectionTake my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is lightI love that Christ doesn’t carry us. I wouldn’t want him to do everything. He just says, “Get in the yoke!” And getting the yoke means looking to Him, praying daily, serving others, and looking to improve. Do those things and He will make the burden light.God bless. Stay sane! Pleasure to be with you all this beautiful morning.Anvil