44 for this old cat!

13 REAL men and Frogger avoided the lure of counting votes political theater, and tested their wills at The Cauldron.  All were battered and bloody, but emerged better men on this 44 rep workout to celebrate the Q's BDay.


  • 22 IC – SSH, Arm Circles, Windmill, Dwight Schrutes

The Thang:

DPK Deck Ramp  1 – Zamperini to the top

  • KB Squat  x22 IC
  • KB Curls  x22 IC

DPK Deck Ramp  2 – KB Iversons to the top

  • KB Shoulder Press  x22 IC
  • KB Skull Crushers  x22 IC

DPK Deck Ramp 3 – KB Around the Worlds – down one level

  • KB Burners  x11 IC

DPK Stairs – Down the Stairs & Zamperini to the COT spot for more fun. Partner up, KB Size matters


  • Partner 1 – Farmers Carry 2 bells
  • Partner 2 – Runs lap around the square till you meet your partner
  • Partners both do 11 KB Burpees
  • Partners switch, Repeat – o


  • Partner 1 – Farmers Carry 2 bells
  • Partner 2 – Runs lap around the square till you meet your partner, This time the correct direction…
  • Partners both do 11 Regular Burpees
  • Partners switch, Repeat – o

DPK Wall – Zamperini over to the wall


  • Peoples chair, 22x IC KB Curls
  • 22 ICx – KB Merkins
  • 22 ICx – KB Chest Press
  • Peoples chair, 22x IC KB Shoulder Press
  • Pause for Monkey humpers as Camp Gladiator was leaving 🙂
  • 22 ICx – KB Swings
  • 11x – KB Burpess

Zamperini back to COT for Mary Mary



Pass Mary around starting with Amen

  • Jlo x22 IC
  • Russian Twist x 22IC
  • Something else 1
  • Somethin else 2
  • Susan Summers  x22 IC each leg


  • Frogger, The Ultimate, and Amen parttook in a standard. Repect for getting out there gang!
  • The majority of the PAX was go at 0530 but some decided 0534 was the new start time…
  • The mumble-chatter was great today, as the Pax were trying not to be focused on the beatdown. However your humble Q focused off in the distance to remain diligent and was not having any interruptions!
  • We learned alot about Frogger continued facinations with rectal areas of interests…
  • Great coffee at Main street where we got to see Rocket's virtual package live stream. Also we got intimate detail of The Force's sorority bus ride to see Melania live. Lesson learned, dont try to unzip your boots in front of secret service!
  • Thanks to Ultraman, and the rest of the Pax for giving me the reigns today and for celebrating my Bday.