Flooding for Java!

Event Date

Nov 12, 2020


Well the forecast the night before was 90% chance of rain.  When we woke up in the gloom we were mislead with either no rain or light rain so 5 of us ventured out for the 5k known as Java.

Mosey to the Birkdale golfcourse parking lot for warmarama for some side straddle hops, imperial storm troopers and some windmills.  

Run down Birkdale Commons and took a right on David Kenney Farm Rd and stopped there for the first pain station for some merkins and some squats. 

Ran to the end of David Kenney Farm Rd and stopped at the school for our second pain station for some wide merkins and some little baby crunches. 

Crossed 73 and ran down to Lake Norman Baptist church for our 3rd pain station for some man maker merkins and some Freddy Mercuries.

Then finished running slowly down a flooded sidewalk on 73 and back to home base at the Birkdale Starbucks.

Well, Ultimate was sharing his wisdom of how the rain was going north of us after reviewing his radar app.  Wow was he wrong.  We got dumped on just a mile into the run this morning and it never let up.  Looks like The Ultimate needs a new radar app!  

At least it was 70 degrees even though it was pouring rain and flooded in a lot of areas.  

Thanks to Enron for calling out "Car Back!!" on David Kenney Farm Rd.  Otherwise Jedi and I would have been road kill by a very large utility truck that obviously was not expecting some idiots to be running in the middle of the road, in pouring rain, in the dark, at 5:45 am! 

The Q's are open for the rest of the year for Java so sign up!