FNG1-Goodlife (not on website yet)FNG2-Butkus18 (or 17, or 20, or who knows?) showed for Emmaus this morning. Some early, some on time, some late…some old faces, some new faces…some to enjoy the workout, others to mock it…ALL were better off than staying in the sack, I hope.Mosey to a better-lit parking lot with carioca, high knees and butt kickers along the way.WARMORAMASSH x13icIST x13icStarting Lines x13icWindmills x13icMountain Climbers x13icDwight Schrute x13icCurb Kickers x13icCurb Kickers (with arms up) x13icLine Hops x13icREPEATOREPEATOMericans x13icSquats x13icMOSEY TO THE DEADEND AND PARTNER UP FOR DORA100 Mericans300 Squats500 LBCsMOSEY BACK TO LAUNCH PAD10 burpees OYOPlank til you dropRECOVER RECOVER, RECONVENEDISCUSSIONAs per a usual Friday surrounding the Birkdale Starbucks, there was a shuffle of pax at 6:15 where some landed at Starbucks, some went home, some changed post-workout groups, and some remained…most joined the discussion that defines Emmaus, some merged their workout group with Emmaus, sweet!PHILIPPIANS 2:1-4-Find a “North Star” and strive for it. There is joy in that pursuit.-Look for and to others along the way and naturally draw closer because of your shared direction and success.MOLESKIN-Emmaus beatdown starts promptly at 0530 and ends promptly at 0615, give or take a minute or so.-There was great Mumblechatter this morning, wrought with suggestive advice for the beatdown. YHC aimed to please and be a Q of the pax, by the pax and for the pax.-Gnarly and CB offered their weighted props for the beatdown. Sorry we didn’t get to use either.-Great to see some faces I haven’t seen in a while (admittedly, my fault for not being at Emmaus in several weeks), even greater seeing some new faces and the crowd growing!-Awesome discussion this morning. I have been missing that, markedly so. Feel free to continue in the comments.-Jedi has helped a lot of pax! Find him on Twitter or Facebook or JEDI.COM or something like that.