Insert clever backblast title

Event Date

Nov 14, 2020

Today at Excelsior this is roughly what went down:

  • Run through my neighborhood at Carrington Ridge.  We hit some dead ends, totally on purpose.
  • Included some exercises along the way:  ISTs, Dwight Schrutes, Shoulder Touch Mericans, Squats.
  • We found a wall along the way.  We sat on that wall for ~1 minute.
  • Did some stretching at the end.

Recover, recover.  We covered just under 3 miles.


  1. Turncoat had a really clever backblast title trademarked and everything!  But we forgot what it was by the time we were finished eating our bagels.
  2. Mona Lisa joined the turn brothers for a nice triple down, strong work!  The conversation across 0500 and 0600 was great and included legos, old gaming systems, and comic books.
  3. Nacho Libre with the strong double down today and he told us about an event he's training for that sounds like a combination of a Spartan race with rifle and handgun shooting.  Uh…that sounds awesome!
  4. Great 2nd F with some of the runners training for the Huntersville Half.  No, not The Optimus Plan runners from Harris Teeter in Antiquity.  No, not the Crab Legs / Frogger run.  This was a run out of Blythe Landing.  Do any of these runs start at the same time, you ask?  No.  One started at 0430.  Another was something like 0517.  And the last started at 0702.  Gotta love LKN.

It was a great day gents!