Weights and Wall Sits

Event Date

Nov 24, 2020

Six brave men showed (on time) in the cold.


  • Farmer carry a 25 lb plate to the back corner 
  • 25x SSH
  • 15x IST
  • 15x Toy Soldier
  • 10x Dwight shroop
  • 10x slooooowwwww windmill
  • 15x mountain climbers
  • 10x merkins 

all IC

The Thang

We all needed to keep moving, so we moved with our plates.

Stop 1

AMRAP curls while partner ran to the warmup station 

2x each

Stop 2

AMRAP LBCs while partner farmer carried 2 plates back to stop 1

2x each

Stop 3

AMRAP chest presses while partners took a lap around the parking area

2x each

stop 4 

peoples chair with weights in lap while partner ran around the circle


15x Muhammad Ali's 

Balls to the Wall


mosey to CBs truck to return the weights

Sahkira in honor of our no show friend Amen and recover recover 

588 calories burned, 2 miles covered, and 25 extra lbs around for the trip to remind us to eat healthy this week.