Pre-Turkey Calorie Burn at Fallout

Event Date

Nov 24, 2020


Plan was a burpee ladder with running from the bottom to the top of the parking lot – at least to get us started.  Then run the track.  Then maybe around the school.

Then Rocket arrived stating he'd never been to Fallout before, that he usually posts at Fartlek but can't run right now.

Then Popcorn arrived and YHC had seen just a day before he couldn't run the Hville Half due to shin splints.

Then Toxic arrived and YHC noted he's not participated in SSHs or running of any kind in many weeks.


So with 5 able to run and 3 not, YHC conducted warm-o-rama then we grabbed blocked.  Fully body workout starting at the top and working down, but decided to get the pax on IR a stronger workout and the guys not on IR some cardio mixed in.  Here's how it went for the pax of 8 at Fallout:

Overhead press IC.

Run to the top of the parking lot and back if you can.  If you can't, Overhead press AMRAP.

Upon return, Toxic informs the Q, "That was a dick move."  Aye – thank you.

Skull crushers IC.

Run again, or skull crushers AMRAP.

Chest press, low/high/full curls, lawn mower pulls, squats and Christian McCalf-raises.  All with the lap in between and AMRAP if you can't run.

After that ridiculousness, we went around the circle and did one set of each, approx 10 IC with each of the pax calling it.  This was a test of strength and memory.  Pax passed!

Blocks back while YHC whips out his big, long, thick, black… rope.

MWAR and we ended about 7 mins late.

Prayers for Rodie's M and their family.  Prayers for Lawn Dart's brother.  Prayers for Mona's friend.

Good work by these fine men in the chilly gloom this morning.