6th Annual Black Friday Convergence

Event Date

Nov 27, 2020


38 Men rolled-out of bed in a gravy and bourbon induced haze to join the fun at North Meck Park.


A few warm-up exercises, count off, and split off with Firestone and Moses.

Firestones Thang:

12 Pains of Christmas:

  • 12 exercises placed 10 yards in soccor field. Works like the song.
    • 1 8 count BB
    • 2 Plank Jack (Audibled from WWII due to soupy conditions)
    • 3 Diamond Mericans
    • 4 Bobby Hurleys
    • 5 Golden Ring Burpees
    • 6 Shoulder touch Mericans
    • 7 Power ups
    • 8 Dry Docks
    • 9 Jump Squats
    • 10 Mericans
    • 11 Mountain Climbers
    • 12 Burpees
  • PAX go to each day then cycle back through all days to one until completed. About 5 completed from first group and 2 from second group. Offered free beer to the winner, but Bagboy refused the free beer and the other did not show up at Primal.

Moses’ Thang:

12’s days of Christmas ladder with 1 hand release merkin and 11 knee-ups, then 2 hand release merkins and 10 knee-ups until the full ladder was completed.

Starting from the high part of the road just up from the soccer field parking lot and tennis parking lot, run down one of the hills, complete the reps, run up the hill and down into the other parking lot for the other exercises. Repeato until finished.

One of the groups completed the 12s while the other did not. However, the group that didn’t, managed 2 sets of Makhtar N’Diaye…on the pavement. Just ask Caboose. It was a fan fave.

Mobility Moment brought to you by Moses

Firestone took us out


  • Great turn out this year!
  • Great to see the Meca region represented well!
  • Good to see the majority of the folks heading to Primal for some 2nd F. Seeing a lot of Old Hag with the sugar rim brought down the man factor a bit, but who cares. 
  • Why were Moses, Bagboy, and Gnarley Goat hiding amongst the Christmas Trees at Primal? I think Gnarley Goat came out to mingle amongst the commoners at one point. 
  • Both the 12 pains winners either did not show up or did not want a beer. 

It was a pleasure and priveledge to lead you all!