Merkins Everywhere Legs Nowhere


Shuffle left for two laps

Shuffle right for two laps

10 Toy Soldiers IC

5 Dippy Birds IC each side

10 Windmills IC

The Thang

Mosey to the pull-up bars 

5 Pull-ups OYO

5 Diamond Merkins OYO

5 Pull-ups OYO

10 Incilne Merkins OYO

5 Pull-ups OYO

10 Close Merkins Regular Merkins

5 Pull-ups OYO

10 Wide merkins OYO

Mosey to the blocks and get a block and bring it to the top of the hill behind the school

25 Curls for the girls IC

5 Diamond merkins OYO

10 Skull crushers IC

10 Carolina drydocks (Airforce pushups) OYO

20 Overhead press IC

15 Regular Merkins OYO

15 Bent over rows IC

10 Wide merkins OYO

Blocks up and mosey to in between the lunch room and something else

10 London bridges start with right hand IC 

10 London bridges start with left hand IC

5 Diamond merkins OYO

20 Jane Fondas left leg IC

15 Regular merkins OYO

20 Jane Fondas right leg IC 

15 Wide merkins OYO

Mosey to the brick wall

10 or 15 decline merkins OYO

Mosey to the benches in front of the school

20 Dips IC

5 Diamond merkins OYO

20 Fire hydrants right side IC

15 Regular merkins OYO

20 Fire hydrants left side IC

15 Wide Merkins OYO

Mosey back to the launch pad


15 Rosalita Whips IC

2 rounds of protractors 

1 minute of low planks


Matthew 5:14-16

14 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

I hoped to find a bible verse that was about being thankful since we were one day away from Thanksgiving, but this one stood out to me so I went with it. I pray all the time in our COT that we can be a shining light. This bible verse says that God made us a shining light for us to show the glory of God. Let's go do it


Crabby Patty was concerned about YHC remembering the correct amount of exercises we did. He had a reason to be concerned.

I chose this workout to get us prepared for the Murph and it didn't work. The Murph still sucked.

Everyone seemed really excited for the Turkey Bowl. Turned out to be a damp one, but still fun.

No legs as promised, but maybe some hip work.

Great work by all

Pray for Coat Facrtory's back and he starts feeling better

Sorry for the late BB, but at least it happened. 

Thank you guys for letting me lead and always pushing me to be better. 

Thank you,
