Fission…we decided to stick together

Event Date

Dec 17, 2020


5 brave soles allowed me to lead them this morning around the Antiquity shopping center.  We had some close moments with cars, but everyone survived. 

Cousin Eddie with the sad clown #thestandard


We moseyed over to the police station for the pledge and then circled up.

  • SSH x 20 ic
  • IST x 10 ic
  • Carrot pullers x 10 ic
  • Windmills x 10 ic
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 ic

Mosey to the rails in front of Cashions

  • Australian pullups x 15 ic
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Quad stretch

Tha thang:

3 Stations (Dunkin donuts, Crafty Burger, HT)

  • Perform 2 exercises at each station (2 Rounds) and then Bear Crawl/Broad Jump Burpee back to the start
  • Round 1- Q provided the exercises
  • Round 2- PAX took turns calling the exercises


  • Everyone had a chance to call an exercise




Thanks to Cousin Eddie for giving me the keys this morning, it is always an honor to lead such a group.  Thanks to Canuck for taking us out in prayer and for that whatever he called it exercise….i’ll be hurtin in the AM.  Until we meet again……E