FNG 1 and 2 – 66's 2.0's

FNG 3 – Popcorn's 2.0

A great group of men came together to celabrate the 4th annual Cookie Q.  We ran the cookie course which snakes the church parking lot, up to Stumptown Rd, and back in the other side of the church.  Along the way there are 12 stops consisting of various activities.  I altered the format from last year and the timing was much better.

Cookies were in abundance, and only few remained at the end.  I think Amen took enough home for 3 families.  I upgraded to Starbucks coffee this year, as the stuff we got from Dunkin Donuts last year sucked.  Thanks to the store manager at the Gilead Rd. Starbucks for donating 2 out of the 7 boxes of coffee

We were able to collect $220 in donations for Operation Sweet Tooth.  Thank you to all that donated.

Thanks to those that brought additional beverages:

Crocs brought some beers consisting of Miller Lite, and Budweiser Nitro.  Many were intrigued by the nitro and tried to follow the instruction properly.  Some pourd hard, some not har enough, and Ultraman went too hard and got it all over her back.

Lawndart brought some Bailey's and peppermint schnapps for some coffe flavoring.

I look forward to baking my cookies for everyone each year, as do those that receive platters and the brothers of F3.  This year consisted of 6 days of work, 124 batches, and 5100+ cookies produced.  It is funny as facebook will pop up the "memories", and I see the amounts I had posted in years past.  From 10 years ago I have seen numbers jump from about 20 platters, and 1200 cookies, to where we are now. 

I want to thank my mom for always doing cookies for people when I was growing up, so that I can also have this tradition.

Thank you to all that joined this year.  Maybe next year we will not have COVID issues holding others back from joining.

I love this tradition and how much everyone enjoys it.

Merry Christmas to all, and a very happy new year!!!