Back Blast at Arnie’s

Event Date

Dec 21, 2020

Auto, Lego, and Turncoat ran the Standard.  Perrier ran a lap.

FNG-1 = Snake Eyes' nephew Julian


  • SSH x 20IC
  • IST x 10IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10IC
  • Mountain Climber x 10IC
  • Merkins x 10IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO


We don't normally do a lot of back work in F3, so this workout was focused on all back exercises

Ascending Reps 5,10,15,20

  • Block Row (IC)
  • Swings
  • Lawn Mower (IC each side)
  • Good Mornings aka Straight Leg Deadlift
  • Pullovers

Between each round, run to Pull-up Bars for 10, 9, 8, 7 pull-ups

Audible – Since we had an FNG, it is a requirement to take a trip to The Bridge.  We just Bear Crawled with no Planking due to COVID.


Low Flutter x 20IC

Shoulder Touch Merkins (Snake Eyes) x 15IC



Great work by everyone today.  The lower back should be sore tomorrow while sitting in an office chair all day.

Welcome to Julian, Snake Eyes' nephew who is headed back to Atlanta today and won't get named.  Hopefully he can get to one of the Atlanta area workouts soon.

It is always a mystery what we'll get in the Arnies parking lot each week.  Boats, RVs, Tractor Trailers.  I think someone dropped off some couch cushions today.

Thanks for the support of the Arnies regulars and the additional crowd today.

Thanks to Lego for taking us out.

I hear there may be a change of management coming to Arnies in early 2021. Make sure you get out to this great AO if you haven't been there in a while.