Suicide Hills

It was great to have the guest from the other side of the lake. Thanks Swing State for showing us that we need to work harder to keep up with you guys. Glad you could stay late for some 2nd F time also.



10 Mt Climbers IC

Right calf stretch

left calf stretch


10 Toy Solders IC

10 Windmills IC

Mosey to the bottom of Clubber Lane

The Thang

Suicides up the hill to each light on the right and then stop at the stop sign

back to the bottom and plank for the six of mosey back to the six

Suicides up the hill and stop at each light on the right for 10 merkins including 10 merkins at the top stop sign. Also doing 20 squats each time when you reach the bottom

20 Monkey humpers IC

Quadraphelia to the first light

20 Monkey humpers IC

Quadraphelia to the next light

10 Monkey humpers IC

Quadraphelia to the next light 

10 Monkey humpers IC

Quadraphelia to the stop sign 

20 Monkey humpers IC

Mosey back to the LP


Round the horn MARY

YHC- 5 Scissor crunches each side IC

Dr Dolittle- 10 LBC IC

Clark- Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns

Sparrow- 10 Shoulder taps IC

Crabby Patty- 

Broke- 10 Flutter kicks IC

Thunder club- 5 pretzel crunches IC each side

Swing State- 10 Heals to heaven IC

Boucher- 10 Pickle pounders IC

SWFL- 10 Freddy Mercury's IC

Scope- 5 Oblique Crunches IC


1 Timothy 6: 6-8

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

I was struggling with being content in my own life and I wanted to find a bible verse that applied to that. 

Swing State brought up a great point that we may have to change some traditions do to Covid this year, but it doesn't mean we celebrate the true meaning for the season and maybe start some new traditions. Also, enjoy the people who you are able to be around for the holidays. 

Keep Sparrow's sister in your prayers for healing and peace. 

Pray for Sonar and his families fast recovery from Covid. 


Crabby Patty asked YHC did with Mater and who are you.

Scope is rocking the Monday Runday workouts. It is great to have you feeling better. 

SWFL is lying about his age.

Swing State wasn't phased by the hill

Clark is back like he never had time off

Couldn't hear anything from Thunder Club or Broke since they were so far out ahead of me

Dolittle must have seen my imaginary winky or he has been to many of my Qs 

Bouch was well lit up with his vest and head lamp. Way to keep it safe

Sparrow is still amazing. He also was a flying fighter jets during Top Gun's release. 

Preblast for Wednesday: We will probably not do a lot of legs.

Thank you guys for letting me lead and always pushing me to be better.  
