Santa’s Pack

Event Date

Dec 26, 2020


4 men bundled up for a frigid 17* routine. The goal was to keep moving and keep warm.



15 IC Windmills

15 IC Slalom Abs

10 IC Merkins

15 IC Toy Soldiers

The Thang

Mosey to the back where someone had strategically placed a large supply of backpacks (I might have a small problem – boots, backpacks, guns, knives and flashlights….can never have enough of any of those items).

Wrap a block into an old piece of blanket/rug and place it inside your backpack. Place backpack on your back.

10 partner pullups

10 IC squats

Mosey to AO – remove pack

10 jump over pack burpees

10 pack sit ups (hold pack above you)

Place pack back on your back and mosey to the top of the big hill.

Bear crawl to tree and back with pack

10 more IC squats

Mosey with pack to clubhouse – remove pack

10 IC Overhead squats

10 IC pack curls

Place pack back on your back and mosey around clubhouse – find a bench and do 10 steps ups

Mosey back to top of big hill

Walking lunges with pack to tree and back

15 Good mornings with pack on

Mosey back to back playground – remove pack

15 Pack Thruasters

10 jump over pack burpees

Remove block and return to AO with all equiptment.


Dandelion's nose faucet was wide open

Cheetah's good mornings were a sight to see

Shirley was back at boot camp!

A gorgeous sunrise was seen by all!


Years ago my wife participated in an activity at church. A trail went into the woods on a short loop and women went one at a time through it. At various points there were small signs set up with messages and candles. The first one said something like, "I serve others with all my heart and put aside feelings of selfishness or resentment. My goal is to help others come close to Christ." Below that was written, "If you struggle to meet this standard, pick up a small rock from the pile below." There was a small stack of rocks at the base of the station. As they walked through the trail each station described a Christ-like attribute or a standard the commandments ask us to meet. Things like honesty, compassion, avoiding pornography/immorality, etc were the subjects of the various stations. At the end, the last station, was this scripture – Matthew 11:28-30.

28 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Below the scripture was a picture of The Savior and one final set of directions. It said to lay down your stones. All those you had collected as you sat in judgement of yourself. Lay them down. Lay them at The Savior's feet. He has paid the full price. He has redeemed us. 

As we refelct on this year, this holiday season, may we all accept the incredible gift He has given us by atoneing for our sins. Our shortcomings are real, but so is His life and sacrifice. May we accept it, strive to be better, and give praise for His matchless love and mercy.

Always great to be with you – even in the freezing cold!
