December Murph and Changing of the MQ Guard

Event Date

Dec 28, 2020

4 pax posted to Arnie's Army this morning for the last Murph of the year, as well as to witness the changing of the MQ guard from YHC to Tuffy.

0500YHC had pb'd a 0500 Standard, but as of 0500, my car was still the only one in the lot.  Not really feeling a solo Standard, and my right foot still aching a bit from trail running over the weekend, I decided to bag the Standard and catch a few winks in the car till 0530.

0530Callahan, Lego, and Tuffy joined YHC and we were off:

  • 1 mile run to AO
  • 10 sets of
    • Pullup x 10 OYO
    • Merican x 10 IC
    • Squat x 15 IC
  • 1 mile run back to Jason's Deli lot

Recover, recover.


  • Grateful for the pax who posted this morning.  The Murph is never easy, but always better with a group.
  • YHC could not be leaving Arnie's MQ in better hands.  Tuffy is and has been an Arnie's regular for years.  Thankful for his consistency and now for his leadership.
  • Great to have Callahan back at Arnie's for the changing of the MQ guard, and grateful for his leadership at this workout for so many years.  Enjoyed some 2nd F with him after the workout as well.  It's been a while since Grandma has made an appearance at Arnie's, so hoping to have him back soon.
  • Lego led the run in both directions and otherwise crushed the workout on a cold morning when it was hard to grip the bars and we did our mericans in the pine straw.  Lotte was also present and particularly exuberant this morning. 
  • Had Auto not been out of town, he no doubt would have joined us, such that all Arnie's MQs would have been present.  May have been the only Murph he's missed this year.
  • We lifted up in prayer the family of a friend of Callahan's and resident of Birkdale who recently and suddenly passed.
  • As always, thanks to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016.  Eeyore didn't give me an option…. simply told me he was picking me up the next morning for a workout.  I said OK.  Callahan was the Q that morning.  4.5 years later, I'm still so grateful.
