The Last Hurrah of 2020


It was a great showing for the last day of 2020 at the Wilderness.  15x pax and YHC came out to get the proverbial New Year's Eve party started at oh seven hundred, a holiday late start.  This start time provided many with the opportunity to double down in workouts, even double downing two days in a row.  T claps going out to Nacho Libre for double dog double downing, two days in a row.  


All gathered around the Whoville Tree

10x IC Slow Windmills – actually slow enough no one complained

10x IC Root Veggie Puller TN style (thanks to The Force bringing this one back from TN last year).  

10x IC IST and 10x Toy Sailors (which look a lot like Toy Soldiers)

The Thang

Over the Jungle Gym for 20x Pullups and 20x Dips OYO, then repeato because 2020 was so awesome (said no one). 

Mosey down the street to the first stop sign at the entrance to 'The Woods'

Circle up for 10x Shoulder Touch Merkins and 10x Bulgarian Ball Busters IC

Lunge Walk for 20 yards then swap to Crab Walk thanks to Toxic's suggestion, then Bear Crawl for the last 20 yards. 

Circle up again for 10x Hand Release Merkins and 10x Squats

Mosey down to Ruffles house for

20x IC Monkey Humpers, 10x IC Pickle Pounders (not Peter Pounders, because that's just weird), and 10x IC Suzanne Sommers each leg. 

Now mosey over to Toxic's House for the Trampoline Toss, in which the pax picked up a trampoline from Toxic's back yard and tossed it over the fence into his neighbor's back yard.  You'd think his neighbor would be happy to receive this fine free trampoline, but she kept repeating something about us being too early and then sicced her dog on the PAX in her back yard.  Geesh!  OK, we were early since we were going to do it after the workout and the dog just got out and we gently placed it in the yard instead of tossing it… but my story is better.  

Mosey back up the street toward the clubhouse with some Quadraphilia.  Stopped for a mobility moment with some Lo and High Pidgeon.  Most of the pax don't attempt the High Pidgeon for some reason, but Rocket nails it!  (said no one) 

Karaoke on up the street dodging cars and such on the way. 


All pax circle up around the Whoville Tree once again and everyone gets a chance to say what they want to work on in 2021 and call one exercise for Mary and keeping it to 10x IC or less.  

These included but are not limited to:

Post more often, 300x posts were thrown out by a few, including YHC, which is pretty much unattainable for me.  Ultraman, no problem. 

Q 50x or more.  Sign up for Q!  Great way to lead and you can only get better.  Plus you get to do what you want. 

Help others, whether it is your neighbors or friends, or family.  Be there to help others in need… such as moving a trampoline.  Just don't do it in the gloom; they don't seem to like that. 

Sticking to goals.  If you are going to make goals, stick to them. 

Improving your house and doing your own contracting work.  Spending more time at home these days so might as well make it nice(r)!  Lowes and Home Depot stocks sore!

Running more miles and do the Huntersville Half.  Looking forward to cheering Blackbeard at the HH next year!

As expected and noted during Mary, YHC doesn't remember all of the resolutions, so please post up below on what is missing. 

Prayers go out to the families of Jamie Seitz, Lincoln Charter School Coach, and Jorel's Aunt who recently passed away.  

Thanks again to all who came out, and looking forward to a much better year in 2021!

V/r, TG