F3 10 Year Anniversary Beatdown at Emmaus

Event Date

Jan 01, 2021


The spirit of F3 was alive this rainy Friday morning. 6 Hard chargers “intentionally” chose to start their year out strong with fitness, fellowship, and faith.

Here’s what we did:

We took a stroll around Birkdale and regrouped around Carpet Baggers truck to pick a handle weight plate: 25lb, 35lb, or 45lb.

We headed into the parking garage adjacent to Starbucks where the real fun began.

Calisthenics included: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Storm Trooper, Side Lunges, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, and Merkins.


Partner 1 Press w/ Skull Crusher while Partner 2 Runs a Lap – Flip Flop

Repeato, Repeato

Partner 1 Weighted Backward Lunge while Parnter 2 Runs a Lap – Flip Flop

Repeato, Repeato

Partner 1 Weighted Drinking Bird while Partner 2 Runs a Lap – Flip Flop

Repeato, Repeato

Partner 1 Weighted V-Up while Partner 2 Runs a Lap – Flip Flop

Repeato, Repeato


Partner 1 Squat Curl while Partner 2 Runs a Lap – Flip Flop

Repeato, Repeato

10x Lawn Mower (Left and Right)

10x Put It On A Shelf (Left)

10x Merkins

10x Put It On A Shelf (Right)

10x Mason Twist

Run a Lap

10x Lawn Mower (Left and Right)

12x Oblique LBC (Left and Right)

10x Merkins

10x LBC

10x JLo


Today was a day of “intentionality”, which I hope is a continual action for each of these men all year long.

Prayers go out to Enron. His wife lost her mother suddenly this week. It takes incredible courage to come out to a workout after receiving such devastating news. F3 Nation is here for you brother. We may not always know what to say or how to help but the brotherhood is a community you can lean on.

Blackbeard, I’m very excited for your goal of running the Huntersville Half Marathon in 2021.

And Ultraman, I’m duly impressed with your goal of 300+ workouts in 2021.

Nair, we didn’t have a chance to discuss your goals, but I know you have something in the works. And if goes without saying but it was great to see you this morning.

And Titan, I truly appreciated your comedy relief antagonizing Blackbeard throughout the workout.
