Last GLADIATOR Workout of 2020 w/ Peanut Butter Bourbon

The stories are true, peanut butter bourbon was served after the last Gladiator beatdown of the year. Feel free to ask one of the PAX about the after party because the details are not included in the back blast.

However, if you want to know what we did during the workout read on:


Calisthenics included: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Storm Trooper, Side Lunges, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, and Merkins.


Partner 1:  10x Pull-Ups / Partner:  20x dips – Flip Flop

10x IC L/R Lawn Mowers

15x IC Press with Low Flutter

Run a ½ Lap

Repeato, Repeato


10x IC Press with Skull Crusher

10x IC Weighted V-Up

10x IC Squat with Curl

10x IC Merkins

Run a ½ Lap

Repeato, Repeato


12x IC Oblique LBC’s L/R

15x IC JLo


We have much to be thankful for in 2020: our physical health, family, friends, employment (hopefully), shelter, food on the table, and a loving God.

And even though Covid 19 pushed us to stay 6 feet apart from one another and wear masks in public as requested by our government and the CDC, it did not deter F3 from thriving. Many of us either continued to work out with other PAX, we re-opened our garage gym, and others just found alternative ways to keep active – kudos to all of us. Clearly, during 2020, the OTB (off the books) work out became more the norm then the occasional thing.

And as we pushed forward through the year, some PAX as well as other friends and family contracted the virus. Scared, ashamed, and worried about being a “carrier” we struggled (at least I did) with how to spend time with our extended families especially those with older parents. The utter confusion and uncertainty of being an “asymptomatic carrier” of the virus was enough to drive everyone crazy. I don’t know about you, but I struggled a lot over the year. But what I didn’t struggle with was the consistency of F3 and you my friends (the PAX).

So as the year comes to an end and we begin to settle in to a still changing “new normal”, I pray that you continue to be intentional in your fitness and in every aspect of your life.

“The Difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”

“Living with intention means saying no to the things that aren’t important to us so that we can say yes to what matters most.”
