The whole Fire Department is coming to work out

Event Date

Jan 06, 2021


FNG-1 is Pierce Lalor, a neighbor of YHC

6 Gentlemen gathered for some fun in unchartered waters.  Mater had the idea of starting a new AO so that we can gain some members from the North (Catawba and Iredell Counties.)   Then he became ill.  So YHC took on the challenge of the Q of the new AO site, Denver United Methodist Church.  Get well Mater.  Cheetah was on location when YHC pulled in.  He was already getting laps in.  Coat Factory and I decided to get a lap in as well.  As 5:30 approached, 3 more PAX joined in for some fun.




10 each of small arm circles forward, large arm circles forward, small arm circles backwards, large arm circles backwards

right over left leg stretch

left over right leg stretch

10 windmills IC

10 Toy Soldiers IC (even though the Exicon says that windmills are also called Toy Soldiers)


The Thang

Paired up for "Catch Me if you Can"  

1st pax does 5 burpees while second pax starts to quadraphillia a lap around parking lot.  Once 1st pax has finished burpees he runs to catch Pax 2.  When he catches Pax 2, he begins to quadraphillia around parking lot while pax 2 does 5 burpees, and runs to catch him.  Repeato until Pax have reached launch pad


Paired up for a circuit

Paired pax run opposite direction for a half lap around parking lot.  When they meet, do 20 squats.  Pax mosey back to the top in the same direction and do 20 merkins.  Repeato reducing the number of squats by 1 per round and increasing the number of merkins  by 1 per round.  Finished when Pax reached 10 squats and 20 merkins.


Mosey to the Arbor, grab a block.  pair up

1st pax did block bear crawl while second did walking lunges beside him.  Once 1st pax reached other end of arbor, they switched exercises.



20 LBCs IC

10 Pretzel Crunches each leg IC



Reflection-  The reflection was about my introduction to F3 and what it means to me.  Thank you to all of the Mustang and SVU pax that have welcomed me!

Scripture- I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it Grow.  1 Corinthians 3:6 


Mumble Chatter

Not much mumble chatter today as the PAX worked hard!

The Fire Department showed up about 15 minutes after the Church Alarm, It would have been awesome if they would have joined us.

Cheetah hated all the Merkins but powered through them

Coat Factory improvised so that he didn't injure his back again

Country Livin gave me some lessons on water always working its way to the lowest point as my gloves were getting soaked by standing water next to the Arbor

Sparrow quietly dominated the circuit routine


We missed Mater and all those PAX who couldn't join us.  Get well soon Mater.

Thanks for letting me lead today gentlemen


Dr. Dolittle