Guaranteed Winner at the Viking

Event Date

Jan 12, 2021


7 PAX celebrated the 52nd anniversary of Superbowl 3 and guaranteed a winner of a bootcamp

Native American Run with football toss, 16 ‘Mericans ever time the ball dropped. Result- a lot of ‘Mericans.

Warm Up

  • SSHx52
  • Windmillx16
  • ISTx16
  • Toy Soldierx16
  • Moroccan Night Clubx52
  • Slow Squat / Chicken Wingx16
  • Long Snapperx16

Native American Run with football toss, 7 ‘Mericans ever time the ball dropped. Result a lot of ‘Mericans.

Head to the wall – Peoples Chair, Air Press, Chicken wing and touch them heels (or calves, yes Bagboy I do have high heels hahaha)

Head to the benches – 3 rounds of the following:

  • Touch them butts (sorry Moses, yes, those short benches are not conducive to your height.)
  • Step ups
  • Dips
  • Incline ‘Mericans
  • Hump the picknick table (thanks for the name Canuck)

Run on over to the rocks and grab one. Jersey Boy had some difficulty finding the right rock and then rejected the one he chose. The shame, Hahaha

  • Sumo Squat
  • Bent Over Row
  • Curl
  • Shoulder Press not overhead press (thank you for the correction Soprano)
  • Skull Crusher

Native American Run with football toss, 16 ‘Mericans ever time the ball dropped. Result- a lot of ‘Mericans. Less drops, but still to many.


Stapler – Pretzel Crunch, Jersey Boy – V up, Waffle House – Freddy Mercury, Soprano – J-Lo, Moses – Shoulder Touch Plank, Canuck – Glute Bridge, Sorry Bagboy, we ran out of time.


Great crew this morning who helped me celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Jets victory over the Colts in Superbowl three. I wasn’t born until later that year in 1969 and the Jets have done little since then.

Fun facts

  • Score was 16 to 7 in favor of the Jets
  • Exercises were mostly done in numbers of 7, 16, 12 (for Broadway Joe) and 52. Coincidently this was the number of points Alabama scored yesterday for Joe’s Alma mater.
  • F3 PAX seem to lose some skills in regards to running and catching a ball

Thank you, Waffle House, for the Heiseman pose and allowing me to Q and to all of my F3 Brothers for keeping me motivated.