Enron’s VQ

We had a strong, 12 pax turnout for the VQ.  Pretty much everyone showed up but Frogger (who’s tapper plans are ever growing). 

Once we confirmed the FIA run group didn’t want to participate, we headed out.  We moseyed over to Which Which for warmarama (side straddle hops, imperial storm troopers and Dwight Schrutes).

Hippie, realizing right away that I forgot the legal disclosure, took a dive within the first quarter mile.  He keeps asking who my representation is???  All pax agreed that the fall (dive) was of no fault of the VQ.

We headed down the greenway to the first pain station at the Robin’s Park entrance.  Crocs was waiting in frogger pose in honor of the missing Java legend.  We knocked out some merkins and speed squats. The pax clearly weren’t ready for my speed squats (I’ll work on the cadence). 

Being a man of the people, I offered a choice of more running or more pain stations?  The choice was clear, let’s run! We headed further down the greenway and onto West Moreland for our 2nd pain station – LBCs and Russian twists.

We then were off to the Westmoreland Athletic Complex  where we picked up Omega along the way.  Ultraman led us through a mobility moment that at times felt like a game of twister.

Over to Robins park for our final pain station – dips and step ups.  I then realized we had 11 minutes left in the workout and we were 2 miles from home base.  Crocs didn’t see this as a problem. 

All in all, it was a great time.  Can’t thank everyone enough for supporting my VQ! 

Remember to keep Tik Tok and his M in our thoughts and prayers.