Double Down Wednesday

FNG-1 = Scorch, Soprano's 2.0

After Qing Gladiator on Tuesday, Popcorn had the Q at his own AO this morning. He was ready to lay a smackdown on the pax, but YHC asked to intervene. The Pax is spared for another week at least.

Warm up consisted of Mosey to Veterans Park and some of the standard exercises. 

The Thang:

With the caboose to our rear, we partnered up.

  • Partner 1 bear crawl across field and run back, while Partner 2 holds superman. Flapjack
  • Partner 1 crab walk 1/2 field, ung walk rest of the way, then run back while Partner 2 holds a bridge.

End partnering and mosey to stairs leading up to stage.

  • 2 merkins, crawl bear up stairs, 2 merkins, bear crawl down stairs, 2 more merkins.
  • 15 calf raises IC

Mosey back to parking deck. 3 Rounds traveling up the parking deck, stopping every two levels on the way up for:

  • Round 1: 20 monkey humpers, 25 monkey humpers, and 30 monkey humpers
  • Round 2: 20 jump squats, 25 jump squats, and 30 jump squats
  • Round 3: 20 WW2's, 25 WW2's, and 30 WW2's

Once you reach the top, sprint back down to basement to slap hands with Team Stretch. 2 ways to get to the bottom- the long way or the short way (stairs). Most took the long way, which I found not so surprising.

During each sprint past the Camp Gladiator folks, we stopped to wonder what so many guys were doing paying so much money when they could simply join us. We concluded most of them must be single. Qbert compared it to an adult kickball league and 57 weddings. 

After each "Round" we did an exercise at the bottom.

After Round one it was the Merk Burp, stolen from Mountain Isalnd 3bb this week. Merk Burp = 1 Merkin then 1 Burpee, followed by 2 Merkins, 2 Burpees, on up through 5, so 15 Merkins and 15 Burpees total. 

After Round two it was 10 Tarantulas IC. 1 Tarantula = right leg lung, left leg lung and full sqaut in one sequential movement. 

After Round 3 we circled up.

Nice work!