Titan but no Toxic at the Challenge

Event Date

Jan 21, 2021

7 of LKN's finest and YHC got the party started at The Wilderness, with Classic Rock music (played way too loud) but no flashy lights to the PAX' disappointment. Alert 


Circle up around the Whoville Tree

Slow Windmill, Potatoe Pullers, IST, Toy Sailor, all IC x10, and some curb touch ur toes. 

The Thang

The Challenge:

We start at 7x reps and GO UP 1x rep each set, with a goal of completing the 14x rep set, for a total of 8 sets, or more to achieve a new PB (personal best) in under 40 minutes (give a few minutes for warm-up and Mary).  


So first set will be 7x of each OYO, or do the first set IC and spread out from there: 


7x CDDs next to Titan's Civic in the parking lot

7 x Low Flutters 

Bear Crawl from Parking Lot to the front of Clubhouse (~15 yards)

7x Jump Squats (forgot those last time!  oops) 

Mosey to playground 

7x Pull-Ups at Playground

7x Dips at the benches at the Playground

Mosey back to the tree 

Walking Lunges back to Titan's car in the parking lot. 


Repeat, going UP one rep on all exercises, and do as many full sets (to playground and back) as you can. 




Headed back to the Whoville Tree for Mary,


Dying Cockroaches, Touch them Heels, Suzanne Summers, Low Dolly, Rosalita, and of course, the Jo Low, all IC x10. 




Great crowd and the mumble chatter was strong this AM.  Pretty good weather considering it is the middle of winter.  Good times had by all. 


Polar Bear is coming up in two weeks, Feb 6.  Get on a 6 man team, or show up and one will be provided. 


MQ handoff at the Cauldron tomorrow, 1/22.  Show up and watch the Force take a peaceful transition of power from Ultraman.  


Pray for Tik Tok's family and their loss of his wife this week. Funeral on Saturday, 5-7pm for those that can attend, even if outside for social distancing.   Bring your Shovel Flags! 


Speaking of Shovel Flags, The Wilderness needs one.  YHC will be getting in touch with Sweet C and see if he can hook us up.  


The AO had a special guest appearance this AM, Titan!  Was good to see him out at this AO for the first time in a few years.  Toxic, even though the only commenter to the #pb, was a no show, which earned him an honorable mention in the prayer.  Surely the Lord will appreciate a little levity.  


And to celebrate MLK Jr. Day this week, we'll end with a quote:


"If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live." – Martin Luther King, Jr. 


