When it rains it pours

Event Date

Jan 26, 2021


5 PAX joined YHC to help myself honor the life of Kobe Bean Bryant on the one year anniversery of his death. 

Warm Up: 

  • SSH-24-IC 
  • Grandma Maters-8-IC 
  • Emperial Storm Troopers-8-IC 
  • Toy Soldiers-8-IC 
  • Right Over Left 
  • Left Over Right 
  • Arm Circles 

The Thang: 

Broke texted YHC at 6pm the night before asking to see more of the AO in the morning so the good Q YHC is changed plans and made it happen. 

Mosey to the club house, upon arrival YHC realizes the gate is locked but Strudel says do not fear we can walk in here, and points to the wide open walkway to the parking lot. It appears the gate put in to keep those pesky teenagers out of the clubhouse parking lot has some flaws, hard earned HOA dollars at work..sorry Dandy 

  • 24 Merkins 
  • 8 Jump Squats 
  • 24 WW1s 
  • 8 Burpees 
  • Run a Lap around the Docks 
    • Repeado x2 
  • Mosey back to launch pad 
    • Stop at street one: 
      • 24 Merkins 
      • 8 Jump Squats 
    • Stop at street two: 
      • 24 Mountain Climbers 
      • 8 Lunges..2 is 1 
    • Stop at street three: 
      • 24 Monkey Humpers 
      • 8 Glute Bridges 
    • We are home 
  • Mosey to the parking lot for the Finisher: 
    • Round One: 
      • 33 Dips 
      • 33 Rows 
      • 33 Knee Ups 
    • Round Two: 
      • 24 Dips 
      • 24 Rows 
      • 24 Knee Ups 
    • Round Three: 
      • 8 Dips 
      • 8 Rows 
      • 8 Knee Ups 

Recover Recover 


Kobe Bryant was my childhood hero, my favorite athlete and someone I have alway looked up to. The number scheme came from the jersey numbers Kobe wore throughout his life. 33 in high school, 8 for the first ten years of his career, 24 for the last ten years of his career. What people always admired most about Kobe was his isane discipline, he did hard things that he hated like he loved them. YHC challenged the PAX to change their persepctive on hard things, Hebrews 12:11 says "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." Be disciplined in hard things, it will always be worth it. 


Mumble Chatter: 

  • All PAX where troopers because it rained and it rained hard for 85% of that workout, at some point Dandy thought he was going to drown in that playground 
  • Broke I hope you enjoyed your tour of SVU 
  • Shirley gave YHC a large spirtual compliment guessing the number scheme was a book of the bible 8:24-33, sorry to disappoint 
  • Gecko worked hard in silence, until he watched Dandy do jump squats, then he couldnt help but smile 
  • Strudel is just a workhorse, gives us all the motivation to get better 
  • One day we can only dream to have the shoulders of Dandelion, just maybe not the legs 

Always a pleasure to work and lead next to you men, thank you for singing in the rain with me 

God Bless and Laces Out! 
