Lots of audibles to keep the Dragon Slayers happy

Finally the ledgendary Cherry Bomb allowed me to Q at his fine AO. You never know what your gonna get at the Dragon Slayer and today didn't dissapoint.

Standard 5am:

4 Men showed for what they believed to be a routine 3 mile run and it got real scary real quick when they departed over the back hill towards skid row only to find a full on slip & slide mud pit down the backside of the hill where the road used to be. Post workout at coffee this area has been renamed "the devils rectum". With a little mud on the tires/shoes, we got 3 miles and a lesson in short selling and how hedge fund managers are almost as bad as Lawyers (sorry TC). Also don't buy GameStop stock, Pro Tip from Hoodie our favorite bank teller.

5:29 and 30 Seconds The Thang:

10 men toook their bells to the corner of the lot and got down to business (1 showed up 5 mins later).

20 SSHs to warm up

Round 1:

10 Burpees, 20 Curls, 10 squat to press, 10 lawn mowers each arm, run 0.1 mile to pull up bars for 10 pullups

Round 2:

Same but first audible Lawn Mowers to KB Swings due Pax whining about out of season and a hard beatdown at Mighty Oak.

Round 3: Check

Round 4: Check

Round 5: Check

Round 6: All same but pullups audible due pax request, slide into chest press and V-ups

Round 7: Audible with an extended run as burpees in the wind are to hard and it was cold (per the whining pax), so we went under the portico where all pax agreeed it was warmer and nicer. The run continued back to the artic cold area with the bells.

Rounnd 8: Audible out to mobility minute and 1 merkin due to time on the clock.

In total:

1 Mile Running, 140 Curls, 80 Burpees, 70 Squat to Press, 50 pullups,  20 side stradle hops, 1 merkin 


  • Thanks to Cherry Bomb for the opportunity and glad scheduling worked out
  • Thanks to Hoodie for the stock market lesson we all learned alot
  • Great work by Uncle Rico, completed all sets in perfect form with a crowd pleasing 40lb bell
  • Hoodie continues on his path to be Mr. Slayer with the most consecutive posts at DS since the legendary 38 uncle Rico posts at the same AO just a different day.
  • Great to see Dingo and Eeyore out at DS, glad to have some new faces suffer in the gloom 
  • Goal was 10 rounds this morning but happy to have gotten in 7 complete and proud of the hardwork put on by all.

Till the next time a MQ lets me lead,