THE Denver Friday Fun Run – A Cold Yet Hot One

15 men, turned the cold into a HOT one to start their weekend early

 – We did McConnell and Pine Cove, and some selfishly left the 6 and did Burton through the front entrance to Sailview

 – The crew threw down a HOT pace for the first mile, with several complaining about the wind on their face.  If you run faster the wind actually increases on your face SMH.

 – It was like a broken record each time I circled back, everytime it seemed like Sam was there to greet me

 – Gecko was sporting a super-boss sweater vest this morning and made everyone immediately jealous

 – Big V was especially moody this morning, no doubt feeling the effects of his higher mileage weeks

 – Fabio reeked of Newsmax, gunpowder and Old Spice

 – I lobbied Mater to come back to LKN Brewery for the Fun Run because the current food venders aren't cutting it

 – Shout out to Strudel, Dolittle and Boucher who are straight-up killing the running lately.  To say they are getting faster would be an understatement

 – YHC learned the differences between Civil, Industrial, and Electrical Engineering with Country Livin'

 – YHC and Coat Factory got to enjoy Col De Sailvieux together

 – YHC was seriously let down when I saw that Rudolph was not sporting his fancy-smancy carbon shoes

 – Shirley explained that he still owes a prorated HOA fee to the neighborhood even though he and his family live in the trees in the park

 – Crabby Patty does tris, and exclaims that running is his least favorite part.  IF that is the case I'd like to see what he could do on a bike and in a pool.

 – Abrams made his slowest entrance ever to the park.  I think he is mellowing out in his old age. I don't even remember him getting out in front by a mile on this run at all.

 – Enjoyed it fellas.  Quite a thing to hear the footsteps of 15 men thundering down the road at 0530.