Birthday Block Beatdown

Event Date

Feb 12, 2021

The preparation started the night before while driving home from baseball practice, YHC decided to make a pit stop at Mighty Jungle to borrow some blocks for the workout.  Pouring rain and a near and fall, I was able to load up the trunk for today’s beatdown.

When I pulled up there was one lone jeep and an Omega coming out of it.  Some mumblechatter about potentially meeting with the donut eaters but then another fellow Pisan, Soprano, rolled in and YHC felt obligated to deliver the required beat down.

Shovel Flag planted in front of Field 1.

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm O Rama:

Slow mosey to end of lot in front of shelter and circle up.  YHC was corrected rather quickly and rephrased to triangle up.


SSH x44 IC

Wind Mill x12IC

The exercise that has way to many names x12IC

Slow Squat x12 IC

Toy Soldier x12 IC

The Thang:

Slow mosey back to the flag.

Open the trunk o pain much to the surprise of the pax.

There was a mutiny as Omega changed blocks and gave Sorprano a Cindy with no love handles.

25 Block Swings OYO


Curls x12 IC

Shoulder Press x12 IC

Squats x12 IC

Skull Crusher x12 IC

Chest Press x12 IC

Russian Twist x12 IC

Mosey around the entire lot.


Mosey to entire end of the lot.

Who is this running upon us?  Well it is the Nantan himself making a quick fly by.

Swing State joined us for circuit number 3.

Mosey again.  Swing State headed back to watch some GLUTEN for punishment with Pax eating donuts.





25 block swing finisher.

Recover Recover


Birthday Moleskin

Small but mighty crowd this morning.

Strong work put in by the Italians today (Swing State as well).

Omega had a primadonna spot on the curb so not to get his back wet.  Swing state joined him but ended up laying in the one wet spot.

The blocks were warmer than the cold wet rocks.

We got some heckling in.

Happy birthday to Soprano’s boy as well.

No one got frost bite!

No burpees and no Americans…that was weird!

Appreciate Swing State for stopping by to wish a happy birthday and get a little block work in to strengthen the guns for his newborn.

Enjoyed it gents!


Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Anything For Granted.


Humbly Yours-

