Pavilion Pain Stations and Triathlon

Event Date

Feb 13, 2021


Audible last night with the weather to move to the Webbs chapel pavilion, 6 men started their Saturday with smiles and joy!


10 x Toy Soldiers

20 x SSH

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Mericans

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Two teams of 3

Station 1)

Team 1 does burpees while other team stacks 4 picnic tables up

Swap and team one takes down tables while other team does burpees

Station 2)

Team 1 one does 20 step ups while team 2 does dips, swap

Station 3)

40 squats and 20 incline Mericans on your own

Station 4)

40 calf raises and 20 decline Mericans on your own


20x swimmers

20 x Freddy Mercury

2 laps of lunge walk around pavilion

Repeat for 2 more rounds.


By committee:

15 x Heels to heaven Shirley

45 seconds of American Hammer Salty

15 x Hello Dolly Cheetah

15 x Slalom skiers Anvil

10 x each side crunch Strudel

40 x WWI Dandelion

Reflection: Genesis 3:19

“Until you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”

Ash Wednesday coming up and beginning of Lent, this reminded me of this passage.  This life is temporary and the pain and suffering will end some day.  Not to trivialize what we all go through but hope knowing it is not for ever and a light is at the end. 


-Congrats to Anvil who got checked out as a Sherriff last night and will be out and about keeping us safe.  Already making us get on the ground and keeping hands high!

-Cheetah sang along to some Pearl Jam Even Flow and for a second I thought Eddie Vedder was in the pavilion!

-Strudel was humming a Kidz Bop tune alongside during the calf raises.

-Salty wanted to have us do infinite Merican Hammers until the pax revolted.

-Dandelion stated his swimmer muscles needed some strengthening so had us do 40 WW1 at the end. 


Fair Winds and Following Seas
