Reunited…..and it feels so good

Event Date

Feb 11, 2021

8 fine men braved the cold rain and wind to find their way to the Laces Out Dojo where we YHC brought back BBBretching after weeks and weeks of real flow Yoga without taking anything away from Hefty who has become a student of mindfulness.  The heat was on and the soothing sounds of relaxation we could hardly hear because of the great MC echoed throughout the dojo.  YHC was welcomed back after a brief hiatus and there seemed to be a level of excitement knowing the merry-go-round method which has been trending in recent weeks would be paused.  While upright we warmed up the core with a little twisting then got into some leg work.  Next was down to the mat on the 12 (that's the opposite of 6 on the clock) for a few of the crowd favorites.  Finally on the 6 for some more of the usual butterfly, hurdler and knees to chest.  

  • Today's MC focused around baseball due to a recent trade that signaled to Finkle and Sonar the red sox may be entering a rebuild.  News flash…..there have beent several high profile athletes who left New England and seemed to win a chip #warmerinTampa&LA
  • Naturally the progression was to the astros and Dr D's expert testimony reinforcing the theory 'everyone is doing it, they just got caught'
  • Ziploc (BBBroga rookie?) took YHC's queue to talk Yankee's, much about the importance of roll call initiated in the right field bleachers and subsequent acknowledgement of each position player – it's a thing
  • Broke's daughter was supposed to start work at Denver Smokehouse but the recent fire put that on hold…..Scope was quick to ask if she had been offered a position at China II a couple years ago which was put on hold due to the fire….somebody contact the sheriff's office!
  • Welcome back Marker who has also recently rejoined the pack
  • Thank you Peaches and Herb

Reunited And it feels so good, Reunited 'Cause we understood
There's one perfect fit And sugar, this one is it, We both are so excited 'cause we're Reunited

Pleasure to lead.  Namaste.  Bertha