Blocked, Shocked, and Rocked at Arnie’s

Event Date

Feb 15, 2021

10 men and one 4 legged friend stayed on campus for a DJ Scrappy block party under the crackling and popping of the electic lines above and just enough 80s rock to make Toxic feel young again.  49 Toxic (disrespect). 

YHC came in a bit early to get the lay of the land.  I haven't posted at Arnie's in years.  TurnCoat, Do Ho, Lego, Auto, and CB did a 3 mile standard up Devonshire.  YHC had plans to take us off campus for 1/2 the workout, but decided to keep us on campus due to Lego's dog, the rain, and the fact that 1/2 the PAX just ran 3 miles.  Qbert came in hot and would have missed us anyway, so it all worked out. 

WARM-O-RAMA  (Exercises in cadence unless noted otherwise) 

SSH x 10 

Merkins x 10 

Windmills x 9 


Groups of 3 

Man 1 – Run a Hot Lap 

Men 2 and 3 – Exercise

Flap Jack 

Curls – 40 each man 

Overhead Press – 40

Skull crushers – 40

Block swings – 30

Block merkins – 30

Block squats – 30 

Block swings – 30 (Qbert joins us)

Block merkins – 30

Block squats – 30 

Squat to press – 20

Burpees – 20

Knees ot Arm pits – 20


(1) Zamperini Lap – Man 1 Zamperini and Man 2 Zamperini, Man 3 runs short lap and laps other men.  Flap Jack. 

(2) Carry Block Lap – Man 2 Carry Block, 1 and 3 run lap and flap jack


(1) Bear Crawl Down, Sprint Back 

(2) Backwards Run, Sprint Back 

(3) Crab Walk, Sprint Back 

(4) Lunge Walk, Sprint Back 

Scrappy – 20 SSH single count 

TurnCoat – 20 exercise audible 

DonHo – 20 burpees, wait YHC calls 15, wait YHC calls back to 20.  Ouch. 


Auto – 15 merkins 

Do Ho – Homer to Marge 

Toxic – Elbow Plank Extender Series 

Finished at 6:16 

COT – Scrappy 


1.  Thank you men for showing up to Arnie's Army.  I really appreciate the support.  It's encouraging to see a group of men like Don Ho, Lego, Auto, TurnCoat, and CB get up super early and hit a 3 mile standard before this workout.  And most of you men have been hitting the early button for years now and your fitness definitely shows.  T-claps men. 

2.  Don Ho – thank you for your continued leadership with F3.  You are a HIM.  Don Ho got a Sharknado going about 3-4 weeks ago and invited me.  And this really got me back in shape and the much needed motivation that I needed to get back in shape after the holidays.  It's a great reminder to reach out to kotters because you never know who is struggling or just on auto pilot.  Thanks again for prodding me Don Ho and pulling me out from the sea of mediocrity and I'm thankful for your leadership. 

3.  Qbert – brought his own KB and made us all look wimpy.  Stud.   

4.  CB – was bombing us out this AM.  Lots of crop dusting going on.  And it didn't help that he was leading the PAX on most laps, so we all got direct hits.   

5.  Rico – was running random laps at some point.  Not sure if that was on me not explaining the workout properly (probably) or maybe he was in some different zone? Either way, Rico rocked the laps and it reminded me of the old Blender.  Good work RICO! 

6.  Tuffy – thanks for taking the MQ at Arnie's and I appreciate your leadership.  I'll be back. 

Until next time, 

See ya men in the gloom. 

Scrap Out