Never happy at Gaga

Event Date

Feb 16, 2021


With the MQ away the reins fell in my hands this am. I had planned a great Q of speed and pain but the pax had other ideas this is how this story would unfolded.

Warm up mile – complaining only about the route, then we stopped for pain which was met with resounding negativity and fustration. Sharing the opportunity to lead I called on BC who just repeated the same exercise we just did.

Mile 2 – complaining continued as we picked up speed, the Pax tried to keep Frodo in the back so not to push the pace but he would not be held back and finally broke free on the back half of the mile. Closing in on the village in the very same area a mutiny took place at one of Turncoats Qs there was talk of another mutiny as the pace and pain was not to the pax liking. I quickly called a pain station which I did on dry ground and the pax seemed to settle. 

Mile 3 – Looping around the village and trying to pick up the pace so this didn't turn in another week of Gaga being accused of being the soft wednesday running option, the pax were not having any of it. Finally stopping at VS on dry ground for pain we all got concerned when BC's foot had a tingle after some observing of the pain stations and a little window shopping BC was good to go but not without a Burpee call by DH.

Mile 4 – As the pace tried to pick up we spread the pax, Frodo even doubled back twice which helped him get to 5 miles. The rest of the crew gathered for the final pain station and Ducky lead the charge.

Mile 4.5 – The Qs goal was 5 miles but pace would not allow so we returned to the AO for COT.

Results: 4.51 miles at 7:53 pace. 130 merkins, 125 LBCs, 30 squats,10 Burpees


  • We pray for MQ Hoodie and his return to glory
  • We didn't pray for but encourage Breakfast Club to go see Snoppy for his tingely foot
  • Apparently pain at Gaga is very unwelcomed, I will note this for the next time