Duck-Duck-Goose (Sort Of)

Event Date

Feb 18, 2021

4 pax were not dissuaded by the rain – nor by the rumors of ice, freezing rain, or whatever else was in the forecast for this morning – and posted to #DragonSlayer for a KB beatdown under cover at GCC.

0530: Cherry Bomb, Popcorn, and YHC circled up under the GCC entrance overhang, chit chatting about something.  YHC wasn't paying attention to the time, and we ended up starting a minute late.  Cobains.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Plank to Downward Dog / Calf Stretch to Cobra x 2
  • KB Burpee x 5 IC


One round of the following KB medley.  Pax instructed to complete Mountain Climber x 20 OYO after each exercise.

  • Curl x 10 IC 
    • At this point, we were joined by Cousin Eddie, who began the morning at Fission.  He and Bijoux were only pax, and Bijoux was not 100%, so they called it, and CE headed to DS.
  • Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Skullcrusher x 10IC
  • Swing x 20 OYO
  • Lanwmower x 10 OYO each arm
  • Upright Row x 10 IC
  • Teabag Squat x 10 IC
  • KB Burpee x 5 OYO

Duck Duck Goose

Pax were already arranged in a circle.  For each "round" listed below, one pax performed an exercise AMRAP while moving around the outside of the pax circle.  The other 3 pax performed a different exercise AMRAP.  The round ends when the pax moving around the circle decides to end it.  So, not actually Duck Duck Goose, but vaguely resembled it.

  • Round 1 – Popcorn around circle with KB skullcrusher AMRAP while all other pax KB curls AMRAP
  • Round 2 – Cherry Bomb around circle with KB right arm press AMRAP while all other pax KB squats AMRAP
  • Round 3 – Cousin Eddie around circle with KB left arm press AMRAP while all other pax KB upright row AMRAP
  • Round 4 – YHC around circle with KB Iversons AMRAP while all other pax KB chest press AMRAP
  • Round 5 – Popcorn KB Zamperini around circle while all other pax WWII situp AMRAP (no KB)
  • Round 6 – Cherry Bomb Lieutenant Dan (no KB) around circle while all other pax alternating KB lawnmower AMRAP
  • Round 7 – Cousin Eddie around circle with KB curl AMRAP while all other pax alternating Suzanne Somers AMRAP (no KB)
  • Round 8 – YHC around circle with merican at each pax while all other pax Muhammad Ali on KB AMRAP
  • Round 9 – Popcorn around circle with KB burpee at each pax while all other pax KB skullcrusher AMRAP

OK, enough of that.  Back to KB medley.  This time, pax instructed to complete Low Flutter x 20 after each exercise.

  • Plank KB Pull-Under x 20 OYO
  • Goblet Squat x 10 IC
  • Offset Merican (Right Arm on KB) x 10 IC
  • Stack the Shelf x 10 OYO each side
  • KB Shoulder Shrug x 20 OYO each arm
  • Offset Merican (Left Arm on KB) x 10 IC
  • Calf Raise x 20 OYO each calf
  • Laying Down KB Pullover x 20 OYO
  • KB Burpee x 5 OYO

Round Robin of Mary:

  • Mason Twist with KB x 12 IC (Cousin Eddie)
  • New / Unnamed Core Exercise x 10 IC (Cherry Bomb) – I'm proposing these be "Cherry Bombs"
  • Elbow Plank Walkouts x 5 (Popcorn)
  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC (YHC)
  • Low Dolly x 15 IC (Cousin Eddie)

Recover, recover.


  • YHC ended up with this morning's Q after inadvertently making eye contact with MQ Cherry Bomb after an Uncle Rico Dragon Slayer Q several weeks ago.  CB thanked YHC and signed me up before I had any chance to object.  j/k….. thanks to Cherry Bomb for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning.  Glad that we were able to get it in, in spite of the inclement weather forecast.
  • Thanks also to the pax for posting in spite of the rain, and for humoring YHC's "Duck Duck Goose" exercise.  Figured we would be stuck under cover, and wanted to move us around at least a little bit.  Also wanted to see how long the circling pax would keep going just to make the other pax suffer longer.  The pax were all pretty reasonable, I would say.
  • Hoodie had a nice little Dragon Slayer post streak (steak?) going, but unfortunately, it ended this morning.  He's on a brief hiatus from workouts, but hopefully we'll see a new DS streak begin sometime in March.
  • Where were all the Goatbusters this morning?
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016….. forever grateful.
