That’s a Good Question

Event Date

Feb 27, 2021


Spring felt around the corner as 6 emerged from the gloom.  Birds chirping.  Worms covering the ashphalt as YHC dreaded the thought of Mary.  But let's not get ahead of ourself.  We have BUNNIES to visit first.

Warm Up:
SSHs, Windmills, Grandma Maters
Arm Circles, Mtn Climbers, ISW's
DippyBirds, Merkins (15x to Anvil's surprise)
Side to Side Lunges

That's a Good Question circuit:
9 stations, 6 pax, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds move to next
YHC sets everyone up in their starting spot and leads through the circuit
So many questions.  Some legit.  Some silly.
*** I wonder if we should run more to minimize questions
 – PullUps/Toe Touches
 – Landmine presses
 – step ups
 – merkin shoulder touches
 – down unders
 – zigzagzig's
 – block curls
 – calf raisers
 – block man makers

Partner up, 1 block per team
Mosey up to the weedy/muddy/terrible field

Murder Bunnies are your friend!! round 1
A- Murder Bunnies to the tree, 20 curls, MB back
B- 20 merkins, 20 toy soldiers, repeat
flip flop

round 2
A- MB, 40 hanging rows, MB back
B- Dippy Birds, Tony Hawks, repeat
flip flop

round 3
A- B, 20 block squat thrusters, MB back
B- side to side lunges, plank, repeat
flip flop

Mosey back and return blocks to their spot
Pax choice, pick your poison from the previous circuit
*** Mulligan and Shirley re-consider after they realize why
*** Questions arise due to Anvil STILL STICKING WITH PULL UPS
30 seconds on, 15 seconds to move, rotate through the 6

Back to the front.  All done.

Reflection: 1 John 3:16-18
By this, we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
But if anyone ha the world's goods and sees a brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
Little children (or beloved), let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth.
* most know John 3:16, but 1 John 3:16 is overshadowed by big brother
* we know how to Do F3 or Do Running, and we see the benefits
* are we truly DOing the loving things we are called to do?  or do we just agree by talking about how important something is
* we need more DO
* Freed to Lead

– everybody still loves Murder Bunnies so much!!
– Anvil thinks to himself why we only do 20 merkins at a time…moments before YHC pulls out a 30
– my side-to-side timing wasn't working for Mulligan and Strudel.  They had their own synchronized pattern going.  Good work guys.  Very cute.
– Dandelion takes guff from the pax again for asking a simple question.  He brushes off the suggestion for Q to bring sideline cards next time.  #BetterToAskWhenUnclear
– Shirley only has an alotted # of 'go slow' steps per day.  He's off like a bullet the rest of the way.
– Mulligan bikes it in for some extra credit.  Claims he thought about a Feb Tri for a bit…sure
– Strudel provides some commentary on the cost of keeping the workplace clean.

Appreciated the opportunity to lead today Fellas
: )