High Level SVU Math

Event Date

Mar 02, 2021


6 men showed up this am and realized we were leaderless!  FNG1 is Short Sale from Hickory.  Drew the short straw and improvised like this:

Told Strudel to warm-up the troops while I thought up something and like a good Gunnery Sargent he took it to them:


10 x Toy Soldiers

20 x SSH

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Windmills

Quad stretch


The Thang

Run to clubhouse, except we stopped at every mailbox on the left side and did some high level math

First stop, add first and last digit to = the amount of burpees

Second stop, multiply first and last digit to = the amount of WWIs

Repeato for about 10 mailboxes on the way

At clubhouse parking lot:

2 x karaoke

Butt kickers

High knees

Alternating bear crawl and walk crab

Return to AO except we stopped at every mailbox on the left side again:

First stop, add first and last digit to = the amount of hand release Mericans

Second stop, multiply first and last digit to = the amount of 4 count flutter kicks

Repeato for about 12 mailboxes on the way

At last mailbox on Crepe Ridge about face and quadrafelia up to LBH.  Mosey to AO. 


By committee:

15 x Heels to heaven Shirley

15 x Freddy Mercury Strudel

15 x box cutters Short Sale

8 x Dr. Ws Lightbulb

15 x something hard but I forget, sorry

15 x Hello Dolly Dandelion


“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, but whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” —Matthew 23:12

It’s March, and in the USA college basketball tournaments, known fondly as “March Madness,” are in full swing. Hundreds of athletes have trained diligently for months and are competing for the chance to be exalted as “Number One.”
An athlete practices to make his or her vertical jump higher and jump shot more accurate. We disciples of Jesus, however, must train ourselves to grow in humility much more diligently than any athlete trains to win a tournament. “Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things” to win a contest (1 Cor 9:25), but “the discipline of religion” and training in humility “with its promise of life here and hereafter” is “incalculably more” important than any athletic contest (1 Tm 4:8). They train to win a trophy; we train to spend eternity with Jesus!


The math problems seemed to be a hit, especially when we had to multiply by 0 the first few mailboxes.  But then we paid the piper with 49 and then 56 WWIs back to back.  

-Strudel held it all together and showed those who stuck around at the end his leg dimple, amazing. 

-Dandelion was as happy as a kid in a candy store when we got to 56 WWIs!

-Lightbulb is apparently raising Warren Buffet 2.0 with an 11 year old doing day trading and capitalizing on the GameStop craze despite Dad’s sage advice. 

-Gecko has to tell Dandelion like 6 times what the math answer was so he had the right number of exercises.  Shared some story of Dandelion asking their HOA if his address could be just “1”. 

-Short Sale was not challenged at all.  Smoked us all and was planking after every mailbox waiting for us to finish.  Solid. 


Fair Winds and Following Seas
