Christ Centered Strava Art – repeat

Event Date

Mar 06, 2021

Cornholio was there too.

We did this workout almost exactly a year ago.  Just as covid was becoming a pandemic.  A very scalable workout that keeps the pax together is always a win.



20 IC      SSH
10 IC      Cotton Pickers
10 IC      SSH
10 IC      Imperial Storm Troopers
10 IC      SSH
10IC       Windmill

The Thang
Today we do a “star circuit”.  See the image for the concept, but this is how it works.
All Pax start at center cone, everyone picks a different place to go to start.  Each time you go out, complete the exercise, return to center cone, then out to the next exercise.  If you need a 10 count, or water break, take it at the center so that PAX can continue with each exercise and not hold each other up.  There was enough equipment for 2 pax to be at any area, allowing for passing and working together.

Every time you met someone at the center cone AKA "the water cooler" you must fist bump.

Exercises completed were:

10 curb merkins
20 LBC
20 sec rope slam
20 squats
1 ruck up hill and back
10 tricep kickbacks with smaller red plates
1 trip lunge walk out and back
10 curls each arm with larger red plates

Some Mary was planned, but since we had LBC's built in, we pushed to to the last minute on the circuit.

Reflection –

I tried to setup a “circuit” of a different sort today.  More of a Star really.  But the point was to try and accomplish two things. 

1 – Keep everyone close, and no matter how many times you get lapped, you can never get far from one another.  Hoping to create good mumblechatter.  Seemed to be a success.

2 – To tie my workout to my reflection and have a little fun with Strava.  Hopefully everyone stayed somewhat on course, and we will see what everyone’s route looks like, but hoping to put some crosses on the strava map.  With an intention of leading into the reflection of a Christ centered life.  Strava efforts was a success.

Galatians 2:20 ESV
I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.


Mumblechatter on your own in the comments.

Always a pleasure to lead, and so very greatful for the men who posted today!
