No hope unless you like Murder Rams and Michelle

Event Date

Mar 13, 2021


5 men showed up fearing the wheelbarrow but got the battering ram and tire instead! At one point Dandelion remarked “There is no hope!”


20 x SSH

10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jax

10 x Mericans

10 x Windmills

10 x ASSs (Anvil Shoulder Stretches)

The Thang

Mosey to back, max hanging toe touches grab Michelle and the battering ram. 

Mosey to the clubhouse with the battering ram in the middle for the tire rolling along the way.  Took some serious coordination and pulling. 

Top of big hill. 20 x Monkey Humpers

Buena Vista Corner 10 x burpees

At the clubhouse: Two pax do murder rams (variation of murder bunnies with the battering ram) back and forth in the sand volleyball court as a counter while three pax start at sidewalk around boat slips and flip tire, jump through and do 2 burpees.  Pax cycle through and repeat until you swap over to volleyball court

Halfway through we adjust with the goal of making it all the way around the lake sidewalk so all 5 pax flip tire and do burpees- crushed it!

Return to AO rolling tire and mosey with battering ram. 

Return gear and max pull ups.


Strudel led us in 20 x pretzel crunches

Reflection:  Luke 18:9-14

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

“ For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Good reminder to forgive and show mercy, we all are on the path to improving and getting better at life. 


-Salty was at it again with the fire department doing some tanker training this week, sounded very cool.

-Dandelion started flipping the tire aiming for pax hands and feet to slow things down. 

-Strudel is a peacemaker as revealed after a workout story, wears the family referee role well!

-Cheetah.  We came upon a young pair of teenagers when returning the battering ram at the end of the workout sitting quietly on the bench.  Seemed a bit strange and we formulated some hypotheses but Cheetah reigned things in by saying maybe they were just brother and sister as their faces looked alike.  After he left the AO the couple were spotted holding hands and walking up the LBH with smiles.  #RuralNCLove.

Fair Winds and Following Seas
