Happy Birthday, Pap

Event Date

Mar 16, 2021

+Dutch Boy from Highlands

>>Grab weights and Zamperini to School

Squat thrust x10, 1 burpee
Merican x10, 2 burpees
Mountain climber x10, 3 burpees
CDD x10, 4 burpees
Squat x10, 5 burpees

>>Indian/Zamperini run to church

Partner Up
Round 1 – Press, 10 SSH x3
Round 2 – Curl, 10 Jump/twist squat x3
Round 3 – Skull crusher, 10 run w/ scissors x3
Round 4 – Curl to Press, 10 high knees x3
Round 5 – Lawnmower, 10 star jumps x3

Dora – 100 mericans, 200 squats, 3200 LBCs (timer takes both weights to the end)

Mary – WWII situps until time. This was to honor my Grandfather, Charles Cush, on what would have been his 104th birthday. He passed away in March 2020 at 103 years old.