Round 1 Q v Q at the Cauldron

17 Pax participated in an epic beatdown by the co-Q's of Cousin Eddie and Rocket 20 minutes ish for each one..  

Here is a an abbreviated version of each beatdown forgive me Cousin Eddie if I miss anything:


SSH warm-up, partner up and do 300 collective KB swings while one partner runs/quadraphilia and flap jack each round unitl the partners reached 300 reps.  However, an audible was called and scaled it down to 150 due to time constraints

Every 5 minites or so 5 Burpees in cadence

Moved on to the KB zipper.  Ketlebells aligned on the parking stripes and did a "curb" merkin while plank walking down the parking area.  Bearcrawl back to starting point, air squats unitl all pax completed the zipper

Partners again this time was 2 KB curls while other partner ran down and quadraphilia back up to 100 count collectively.

Cousin Eddie

Broke out the resistent bans.   Put the bans around arms in a plank position and proceeded to do 10 merkins in cadence, then plank walked forward 5 steps, 10 merkinns in cadence, plank walked back 5 step, 10 merkins

Resistent bans on both legs Jane Fonda's 10  in cadence each leg.

Monster walk 10 steps forward and 10 steps back

Then we broke at the KB's did some split squats, squat presses, various other painful activities.

Bob and weave w/KB 10x in cadence

V situp over KB 10x in cadence

Plank lawnmower rows 5x in cadence each arm

Uneven Merkins 5x in cadence each side

Single arm KB swings, skull crushers, single clean to press each arm

Dot the I,  Mason twists, chest press while doing the low flutter.

With an added mobility moment for good measure.

All around great workout.  Nice work Cousin Eddie for bringing it hard.  

Thanks to all the PAX who participated, look forward to all of the forthcoming competitions as the tournament continues…

