A Little Less Hate for Cherry Bomb Today

FNG from Houston now known as Waterboard.  There were a couple of other less appropriate options that were passed over, after we all had a good laugh!  Welcome brother!!

19 men came to celebrate Cherry Bomb's b-day, and to witness the epic battle between Qbert and YHC, to see who could lose the first round of QvQ so we wouldn't have to compete anymore.

Cherry Bomb got us warmed up with 30 SSH's, and some Mountain Climbers.  I think we did some burpees here too!?

Next, Qbert tried to bribe the Pax with some scratch-off Lotto tickets, but he didn't have enough for everyone, AND he didn't consider that most of those tickets are losers (or maybe that was his plan!).  In any case, he used a number from each card to determine the count of each exercise we would do.  There were a lot of Pull-Ups and running, along with burpees and some other nonsense.  The challenge had been set, but YHC had a plan…

I pulled the plug on Qbert's death metal, and fired up my pre-planned playlist, starting with Toxic by Britney Spears for a mid-workout mobility moment…the crowd seemed pleased!

This was followed up with the greatest F3 workout song of all time, Flower by Moby (aka Green Sally).  There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth for 3 minutes and 36 seconds!

Next was Firework by Katy Perry, where we did a Squat Time Bomb with Al Gore, at the end of which we all exploded for Cherry Bomb!

Continuing with my plan to cater to the audience, we did a short lap with quadraphelia, and picked up some karate blocks for Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas.  While Stapler was present, i was hoping to have Cobra Kai as well!

Now for the ace up my sleve…after last year's Superbowl, i have been referring to J-Lo's as Shakira's.  I busted out the Hips Don't Lie by Shakira, in a move that i was sure would win my Amen's vote.  We did 15 IC, and followed those with Susan Summers and Hip Thrusters.

Finally, i assumed there would be a few Buckeye fans in attendance, so i busted out the Best Damn Band in the Land (The Ohio State University Marching Band), for some Dot the "i"s and Walk the Elbow Planks.

With that, it was over.  Qbert and i had given our best, and it was time for the Pax to vote.  With 19 Pax in attendance, 43 votes were counted, after some late mail-in votes arrived, and YHC was declared victorious.  Qbert promptly donned a viking hat, and stressed that the Pax should NOT (wink wink) follow him to Scrappy's court house.

Thanks for a good fight Qbert, and congratulations on not having to Q another round!

Happy B-day Cherry Bomb!


Prayers up for Ultraman's FIL, who suffered a heart attack yesterday.  The prognosis is not good, as the Dr's have taken him off of the ventilator so he can talk to his family and they can say their good-bye's.

Prayers for Staplers mom too, who is having a heart procedure done.