Tabata at Mighty Jungle

11 Pax at Mighty Jungle today for a nice little Tabata workout.  Here is what went down:

0702:  Allowed for a couple of late arrivers, and we were off.


  • Slow mosey around the parking lot including some high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles, and exaggerated long striders.  Grab a block.
  • Circle up, disclaimer given.
  • SSH, IST, and Soybean Farmers

The Tabata Thing:

1 minute on, and a generous 90 seconds off featuring the following exercises:

  • The Wiggle
  • Shakira
  • V. Ups
  • Plank Reach
  • Bicep Curl
  • Skull Crush
  • Shoulder Press
  • Chair Twist
  • Russian Twist
  • Plank Dipper

There may have been a few short "moseys" in between some of the exercises, nothing too far though.


  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC
  • Another short lap maybe?
  • Elbow plank x 1 min
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  Whoa, somehow we got 2.08 miles according to Strava.  Weird.


  • Several prayers today for family and friends of many Pax present.  YHC flubbed it a little, but the message was essentially God will provide in some form.  Aye.  
  • My M led her first FIA workout on Wednesday.  We could not let her glittery board of exercises go to waste!
  • Instead of resting, Bagboy did Burpees between sets.  #Beast
  • YHC didn't really know what some of the exercises meant, to be honest.  Perrier did though, and didn't let us slack off!
  • Was going to punch Toxic for calling Knockout 'Titan'.  But later learned at coffee that this is a thing apparently.  Thanks for letting me lead today bud.
  • Moses correctly predicted all of the "Scrawny guy moseys" today because Moses knows his people.  He also claims he wouldn't have been any help on the basketball courts today to which I call BS.
  • Blackbeard is hoping for a light showing for his Monday Q vs Q matchup at MMM.  Sorry bud, these things draw 30 Pax minimum.
  • Thank you Scrappy for bringing the music, even if we only got to hear 45 seconds of each song.
  • Any running we did today was Firestone's idea.  Toxic was glad your FNG didn't come out today because he'd be embarrassed by the FIA workout.  
  • Good to meet Panzer today, great work bud.
  • Omega arrived ~1 minute late (I.E. 1 minute later than the other late arrivers).  Moses joked that he was working and already sold a house.

It was great catching up with most everyone at coffee afterwards.  It was a lazy week for YHC admittedly (only 2 posts all week), so this was exactly what I needed.  Appreciate you gents.
