
Event Date

Apr 03, 2021

In the most magical of ways, YHC and Finkle collaborate for an epic Saturday beatdown at ELHS Mustang.

0659—YHC rolls up and gives disclaimer
0700—Go time!!!

SSH (IC) x 25…waiting for the shovel flag (and Spork)
Finkle Swings (IC) x 10 each leg
Hillbillies (IC) x 10
Copperhead Squats (IC) x 10
Get Lucky 4:09 Al Gore Hold until you hear “Get Lucky” then do a merkin—good for the quads

Mosey to the halfway point at the far side of the track
The “No Merci (1/4) Mile”
Mosey to turn 1
Bear Crawl (or lunge or walk or complain) to Turn 2
Mosey to halfway of backstretch
25 Merkins
Mosey to Turn 3
Lunge (or backwards lunge or complain) to Turn 4
Mosey to start point
25 Squats
Repeato 3 more times for 1 mile
YHC didn’t see the bricks on the trip around the track so we moseyed to investigate, and they were nowhere to be found.  We grabbed a sandbag from the soccer goal and Omaha’d
Starting at Turn 2 one PAX took the sandbag to the trashcan (literally) and back while the PAX performed an exercise given by the PAX on the move.
Burpees, Merkins, Squats, SSH, LBC’s, Low Flutters, Burpees, among others were given
Sandbag is returned and the keys were handed over to Finkle
Time to Mosey pretty boys
To the block pile we go and YHC sends half the group away, the pax cheer as if they had won, at this time YHC tells every pax without a block to get a rock of their choosing.
Some went big, some went small, but everyone went just right..
PAX circled up everyone with a rock in between two with blocks
Round One:
Arm Curls 10-IC and pass
Arm Curls 10-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 10-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 10-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 10-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 10-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 10-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 10-IC and pass
Round Two:
Arm Curls 7-IC and pass
Arm Curls 7-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 7-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 7-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 7-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 7-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 7-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 7-IC and pass
Round Three:
Arm Curls 3-IC and pass
Arm Curls 3-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 3-IC and pass
Skull Crushers 3-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 3-IC and pass
Milk Jugs 3-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 3-IC and pass
Bent Over Rows 3-IC and pass
And Blocks up
All PAX find a spot on the wall for 2 rounds of wall sits, 1 minute per round
Mosey back to the parking lot and begin the least organized Washington Football Team Run of all time

Recover Recover

John 19:30 “It is finished.”
Jesus' work on the cross finished the work of God in the payment of our sin. In the cross of Christ we have eternal freedom in him. We cannot earn salvation nor do we deserve it, Praise God for a loving Savoir.

-It may have been a little more work for a Saturday than some of the PAX expected/wanted but none the less we all got stronger, stayed warm, and eventually did get coffee.
-No surprise that the Yankees and hockey fans dealt burpees to the PAX…you know who you are.
-Spork posts for the 2nd day in a row and even teases us with a little singing on the track.  We’re always better with you in the midst brother.
-A few took advantage the “grab a rock of your choice” with a pebble, but ultimately the choices were “enjoyed”” by all during the pass around.
-Sonar shows off some speed at the end of the workout chasing down Finkle plus some extra distance at the end…no doubt getting stronger from the 2021 challenge with C# and brothers
-Shakeweight was feeling better today which is good to hear
-Clark had his mittens (and probably toe warmers) on with the chill.  Rest up bro…sorry all the exercises today were not hammy friendly
-Mully makes the post anyway after initially thinking he had “early morning obligations” yet had no interest whatsoever to re-taking the Q.
-Marker didn’t fall asleep during the beatdown which we will take as the ultimate compliment 

Always a pleasure to co-lead and be led by you fine men,

Finkle and Hefty, Hefty and Finkle