Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Always Hurt Me

Event Date

Apr 07, 2021

Five personnel joined their colleagues to subject themselves to the vicissitudes of Mad Scientist and the idiosynracies of the English language in the somewhat-periodic MadSci Spelling Bee.  Each pax grabbed a block from the mad scientist's basement, and then we ambled over to the hallowed ground which was the site of YHC's 1980 Spelling Championship aka Huntersville Elementary School.

On those hallowed grounds we ran, groaned, and attempted to spell.  The school grounds looked nice with the chrysanthemum in bloom.  It was certainly a bizarre scene for the early-arriving school personnel as we charged their way. They must have already been inoculated since they were working in-person.   The spelling bee was brutal, with five burpees dispensed for each missed word.  Still, it was a no judgment zone, and we worked to accommodate everyone.  But we had a good time and Moses emerged as champ!  As champ he'd earned a soliloquy, but frankly it didn't go well.

It was too early for daiquiris or lollipops, so we headed off to coffeeteria to discuss bitcoin, Suburbans, tax laws and leadership.  It was certainly my pleasure to harass youthis morning!  We got plenty of block work,  a couple miles, and we were religious about accomplishing our penalty burpees.  BZ to all.


1980 Huntersville Elem Spelling Champ