Tour de Football

Event Date

Apr 10, 2021

Nine men made it out for a rare Sonar Q.  The route was somewhat circuitous but I don’t think it really counts as a “Sonar circuit” if you only run it once.




10 IC Windmills

10 IC Grandma Maters

10 IC Storm Troopers


We’re gonna take a tour of the facilities with stops along the way to highlight the smorgasbord of possibilities we’ve got for improving our fitness.

We’ll travel the entire time using an Indian-run-style mosey – except with a football – since we have taken to calling it a Washington Football Club run lately. 

Everywhere we go, the football comes with us with one caveat – the ball can ONLY travel through the air.  No running with it.  Whoever has the ball must stop and wait for the PAX to run by and then he throws to the next willing receiver.  No particular order, just go long.  Oh…and if the ball hits the ground, everyone does 3 merkins. (This happened about as often as one might expect – many, many merkins were completed).

Stop 1: The tables by the tennis courts for 10 step-ups

Make a lap around the inside of the tennis courts

Run across the top of the parking lot and down to the tables in front of the gym for

– 10 decline merkins

Run to the benches at the drop-off loop for

– 10 dips

Run around the front of the school to the short wall and pick a spot for

– 40 wall kicks

Head to the back side of the short wall for

– 1 length of racoon walk

Run around to the loading dock for

– 3 dock hops, each leg

Run down the blocks, grab one and circle up for

– 10 IC trifectas (curl, press, skull crusher)

Put your block away.

Run up to the down under bars for

– 10 down-under pull-ups

Run toward the pull-up bars slowing down long enough to give our old friend, the flipping tire

– one tire flip each (watch your backs)

Get to the pull-up bars and knock out

– 3 pull-ups (yup, just 3)  #Dont_Q_It_If_You_Cant_Do_It

Continue on through the agility ladder and onto the track.  Head right and meet at the field house wall for

– 30 seconds of BTW

Continue over to the concrete bleachers for

– 1 set of bleacher hops up

– 10 calf raises

– walk back down

Continue down the track toward the north exit and grab a cone.  The football challenge gets much harder when you’re carrying a cone.

Stop at the big hill by the baseball field and

– 1 round of run down, quads-I-phelia up (Diesel said we couldn't pass by the hill without doing it ;P)

Continue down to the soccer field for a game of football getting booted from the soccer field because the girls were going to start practice in 10 minutes.  Who knew? 6 ½ years of Saturday workouts and never once saw any other activity on that field until today.

Omaha!  Back up the upper level, return the cones and head over to the practice field for some 5 on 4 football.

6 MOM (more like 1)

– 5 IC Dr. Ws


James 1:22-25

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”




– FNG-1 is Evan, who joined us today following dual emotional head-locks from Mater and Hefty. Evan works as a reporter for the Denver Citizen.  He hung with us throughout the entire workout even while carrying his camera and trying to capture pictures mid-workout.  He put the camera away and got serious once we got to football, though.  He may have come for a story, but I think (and I hope) he found much more.  He’s already committed to a Sunday run tomorrow with the slow crew (not you crazy Funday people ;P)  Welcome aboard Evan! You’re one of us now.  We’ll work on that F3 name next time.

– The football run actually worked better than I’d hoped and took our minds off of the running (somewhat).  By the time we were done, we had passed the football for more yards in one hour than Sam Darnold has in any of his three professional seasons. #ThisYearWillBeBetter

– Five on four required a slightly smaller football field size. The game was pretty much dominated by Styx’ receiving, partially due to the fact that he could almost touch both sidelines at the same time, as noted by C#. 

– Coffeeteria, as usual, was awesome. 

– As always, it is an honor to be allowed "lead" and it is truly a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.