From What I Remember

Fng-1 is Squeeze


We did it

The Thang

Mosey to the tennis courts

Suicides to the first and last line of each court and do 3 burpees at the first line every time

Pick a partner 

Do 200 merkins as a team while one partner runs a lap the other does the work and rotate

Mosey to the bottom of the hill in front of the practice field

Do 199 monkey humpers as a team while one partner runs up the hill to the top and the other does the work and rotate

Mosey to the bottom of the hill in front of the gym

Do 300 LBC as a team. One partner does quadraphelia up the hill to the top while the other partner does the work and rotate.

Mosey to the benches 

Do 100 step ups (Can't really remember the number). One partner runs a lap around the flag pole while the other partner does the work and rotate. 

Mosey back to the launch pad


Pretty sure we did Pretzel stick crunches because I like them. Maybe 10 each leg IC


I didnt have one at the time, but I did find a good one when I got home. 

Proverbs 13:20 

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.


Pretty sure I annouced that my buddies are coming into town and their band is playing at Blue Blaze and Brick Tree this weekend April 16th and 17th. A great oppurtinity for 2nd F.

Thank you guys for letting me lead and alway pushing me to be better. 
