Clock the Bells

After battling some injuries (some nagging, some a bit more severe) this was my first Q of the year.  I've said it many times before – but leading a group of PAX like I did today – is always a privilege and an honor.  Always easy to put a little spring in my step when I have the Q.

At about 05:30:45 Blackbeard decided to pull into the lot – and we got things going.  

JV Washam has a "track" painted in the parking lot.  We used that today after I asked the PAX to picture a clock.  We were standing at 12:00 – taking a clockwise lap – you would pass 3, 6 and 9 – arriving back at 12.


– Take a lap – choose where to stop – at either 3, 6, 9 or 12 o'cock (full lap).  At your stop – perform 25 Side Straddle Hops OYO – finish your lap. PAX were encoruaged not to all stop at the same spots.

– The following favorites all IC (except arm circles) – Windmill, IST, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers, Arm Circles forward, Arm Circles backwards.

– Take another lap – stop at any of the 4 stops – that you didn't stop at during lap #1 – 25 SSH OYO – finish your lap.

THE THANG – finally grab your bells

Round 1 – All IC: Slow Squat(15), Curls(15),Overhead Press(15), Skull Crushers(15) – put them all together for the 8-count burner(10)

Lap 3 – same as 1 and 2 – new stop for 25 SSH

Round 2 – Similar to Round 1 – with a few modifications to the exercises

Lap 4 – stop at the final location for 25 SSH

Grab your bell and mosey Zamperini style to the opposite end of the parking lot.  Line up at the start of the road that goes behind the school.  

Bear crawl while advancing your bell – alternating arms.  Stop at the benches – approx. 25 yards

Divide into two groups:

A Group performs 20 Dips on the benches IC

B Group does AMRAP Kettle Bell Swings until A Group is done

Groups Swap spots and repeato

2 more rounds with Dips at 12 reps IC and 8 reps IC

Grab your bell and mosey back to the lot via the lunge walk – bells between your legs as you go if you're feeling froggy.

Take your spot at 6 o'clock on the track

Round 1 – Lawn Mower Right IC, Lawn Mower Left IC, Upright Rows IC, on your six…Chest Press IC

Take a lap – select a space to stop as before – 12 jump squats OYO – finish your lap at 6 o'clock.

Round 2 – Repeato Round 1

Take your final lap – new spot – 12 jump squats OYO

Mosey to 12 o'clock – curling along the way.


LBCs, Low Flutters, Pretzel Crunch, Elbow Plank to High Plank to Elbow Plank to High Plank

Recover Recover

Naked Clock Skine

– By my watch we put in 1.9+ miles during the workout

– Having Outlaw on my right for most of the workout was just a reminder enough that I probably shouldn't do any burpees – or I'd risk paying the price.

– Toxic was verbose – as usual.  He ragged on my Penn State t-shirt – and tried to claim the workout seemed made up on the fly.  I learned in middle school that people make fun of you when they like you (that's what my parents told me).  Toxic and my middle school classmates – really like me. 

– Bookclub will be May 6 at MacBeth's house.  Book is Fortitude by Dan Crenshaw.  

– We lifted BagBoy's friend Ruth up in prayer as she prepares to go through chemo therapy.  We also prayed for the Monroe family.  Kristine Monroe lost her 10-year battle with cancer this past week.  She was a St Mark parishoner and a neighbor to several PAX in Birdale.  

– Blessed to be in the gloom with 13 of the finest PAX I know.  
