SVU Sniper Challenge, 7 men got wood!

Event Date

Apr 17, 2021


5 men showed up this am and then one more and then one more for 7 total.  Classic SVU!



10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Mericans

15 x Tony Hawks

10 x Windmills

10 x Grandma Maters


The Thang

Mosey to back, 3 stations:

Round 1

  1. 2 pax rotate through following exercises: 10 pull ups/20 dips/10 Australian Rows/20 squats (repeat until counter comes back)
  2. Counter is 2 pax carrying battering ram around natrure trail
  3. Couter 2 is 2 pax carrying pole to AO parking lot and doing 10 shoulder presses together and return to back playground

All pax rotate through stations

Lightbulb shows up just in time to help out!

Round 2: 

  1. 2 pax rotate through following exercises: 10 hanging toe touches/20 curls for girls with block/10 incline mericans/20 step ups (repeat until counter comes back)
  2. Counter is 2 pax carrying wheel barrow with 5 blocks up to LBH and back
  3. Counter 2 is 2 (or 3) pax dragging michelle via strap around nature trail.

All pax rotate through stations

Round 3:

Shooters challenge!

Pax flip Michelle along path hop through and do 3 burpees, pax repeat in line until arriving at paved path whereupon they stop, load pellet gun and shoot wooden duck nailed to tree 150 yards away (approximately). If they hit the duck repeato, if they fail to hit in 2 tries all pax do 10 mericans.

There were 7 satisfying sounds of pax hitting wood and no mericans were performed!

Return gear and back to AO just in time. 


Skipper being a purist performed the best 2 LBCs ever seen. 

Reflection:  Acts 5: 34-38

“Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

I came across this reading this past week and saw the reflection reference the Gamaliel principle- Gamaliel was a Pahrisee and encouraged his fellow Pharisees to show leniency to the apostles of Jesus.  I liked the reminder of keeping in mind what is temporal and human design will come and go but the important stuff like faith and the example of Christ never goes away or becomes dated.  Eventually the stuff that matters comes out on top. 


Good fun today! All men got wood.  On the first try!!! Even those 50+.  RESPECT!

-I partnered up with Anvil and witnessed him pretty much single handedly put the harness around his shoulder and drag Michelle up the nature trail like a haus!

-Strudel related how closely the show Office humor parallels his work world!

-Cheetah ran 6 miles before and donned the fanny pack like it was 1980 and he was in a JC Penny catalog. 

-Dandelion was the last shooter today and the pressure was on but he rang true. 

-Lightbulb came late but it was all good since he dropped of the Michelle strap at 2000 last night, thanks brother! 

-Skipper!!!!!  What a great addition to have the SVU leader back in our ranks.  Minimal complaining, great form throughout and had a smile from start to finish!!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
