The Sword Backblast 19-Apr-2021 *

Event Date

Apr 19, 2021

 * YHC sometimes doesn't have clever backblast titles.  Sorry. 

Here is what 11 Pax did today on a not too cold (2 layers + hat + pink gloves) day at The Sword.

0505:  Solo standard for a bit then ran a bit with Amen and Etch in the parking lot. 

0530:  Make a big lap around the parking lot with some Quadraphilia, High Knees, and exaggerated long striders.

Circle up near the front of the parking lot, disclaimer given.


  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • "Boo-Boo-Bear Crawl" (I.E. one-legged) from one side to the other, 10 Mericans, repeato, 9 Mericans, etc., down to 1  (Some claimed this was to nix the mumble chatter, but it was planned my dudes)

The Thing:

  • Lunge walk to the top of the parking lot
  • Partner up:  Wheel barrow walk a ways including over some blocks arranged in a very safe way
  • Pullups x 5 OYO followed by knee-ups x 5 OYO
  • Mosey to the rock pile.  Grab a "medium" rock.  Tabata time:

Tabata Stuff – 60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest:

  • Overhead press
  • Slow deep block squats
  • Bent over rows
  • Elbow plank
  • Curls
  • Repeato all

Mosey back to the top.  Another round of wheel barrow walk through, then 5 Commando Style pullups. 

It was already time for Mary.  Where did the time go?  That ^ all seems fairly light.


  • WWII situps with feet in block x 20 OYO
  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Mosey to the cars, recover, recover.

According to Strava, we covered 1.10 miles in various ways.


  1. We prayed for our friend Frogger as his wife Jessica begins the journey to kick caner's a**.
  2. Don Ho has the Q next week at The Sword.  Guarantee it will not be as easy as today!
  3. If you tell Amen to lower his hips during an Elbow plank, he simply starts J-Lo-ing automatically.
  4. Speaking of Amen, his "Final 4" matchup in the Q vs. Q vs. Toxic will be Wednesday at The Mighty Oak.  Good luck gents!
  5. We debated what Qs could and could not do and expect to win in Q vs. Q and landed on:  Can do:  Airborn mind-benders.  Can't do:  Burpees, Mericans, Boo-Boo Bear Crawl, Dragon Crawl, and generally anything difficult.
  6. TWSS jokes were abundant today.  (Thanks Etch).  Popcorn and Enron wondered if in FIA they say 'that's what he said' ?.  Checked this with my M ("Dreaming Tree"):  No. 
  7. I encourage Pax to follow Goodlfe on Twitter.  He has a Renaissance's man's range of interests.  Goodlife's Tweets inspired YHC to quit all forms of caffeine so I appreciate you my dude. 
  8. Crocs could not partake in the WWII situps because his feet did not fit into the blocks.  Someone said, and I'll paraphrase:  "That's the only time you don't…." you know what, never mind.  YHC shouldn't recap every joke Toxic cracks because that will only encourage him. 
  9. It was awesome seeing someone return the joke-y favor to Toxic on Friday.  Nice work Rocket!  You roasted him good and gave him the gift we've always wanted to give him. 
  10. Ultraman putting in work despite the weekend Ville to Ville race.  Looking forward to Myrtle with you and Rocket and others.
  11. Jedi – thanks for reaching out bro!  Wanted to give them a taste of an old Ditka workout from Samson, circa 2015 or 2016.  Would you believe almost half of the young-ins present today have never even been to a Ditka workout?

Nice work today gents.
