The ULTIMATE workout

Bailey Road Park is on the rise!  Three weeks ago, we had a great disc golf workout.  Last week, the biggest turnout to BRP in long time, and this week – Ultimate!

When Jersey Boy rolled in and saw 5 of us already in the parking lot (Moses, Skipper, Lil' Buddy, Faraz (FNG), and me) – I think he wondered if he was in the right place.  While exiting the car, he said "I thought it would just be me and Waffle House today."  Which is how it sometimes goes when we decide to play games.  Muffin seemed excited last week about the possibility of playing Ultimate, and he rolled in right after Jersey.  Finally, Swing State and Kosar rolled in and we were ready to hit the turf.  

Discs were flying everywhere as Swing State and I marked off the course — we played cross-field with the goal box and midfield lines as sidelines and laid down endzones a little inside of the natural sideline.  We then did a brief warm-o-rama (SSH, IST, Windmill), and I selected Swing State and Moses as captains.  

Team SS:  SS, Waffle, Kosar, Lil Buddy, and Faraz (Lil Buddy's friend from work)

Team Moses:  Moses, Skipper, Jersey Boy, and Muffin

Well, Team SS had the numbers advantage (on paper), the teams turned out to be really even.  It was a back-and-forth battle throughout, and the score always stayed close.  After each score, the losers walked and then chose an exercise of choice to complete.  Winners typically did an exercise as well.  Among them were Mericans, squats, dry docks, burpees, LBC.  Team Moses may have had the edge on height, with Muffin, Skipper, and Moses all at or above 6', and they played like a well oiled machine.  Hitting short pass after short pass, lulling the defense to sleep and then hitting us with the big one.  Worked like a charm.  Jersey Boy is the maestro of the frisbee toss, and Muffin, Skipper, and Moses have solid disc skills.  Meanwhile, Team SS was no slouch.  The one-on-one matchups played out pretty evenly, with Lil Buddy using his youth, height, and athletecism to put up a bunch of scores.  Often times Swing State ended up matched with Moses.  SS could keep up with him better than anyone, but oh, that height factor came into play at times.  Kosar mirrors his namesake Bernie Kosar at times, while YHC specializes in drawing a defender away from the play to open up the short stuff for the rest of the team.  Faraz was new to the sport, but made progress throughout and caught some key passes to keep drives alive throughout the day.  After about 30 minutes of play, it was tied 5-5 (I think), when Kosar caught an immaculate touchdown only to also catch Jersey Boy's knee on the way by.  Kosar was ok, though he took a good shot.  

During our injury delay, we decided to make the switch to Ultimate football, using a peewee league football, which proved to change the intricacies of the game quite a bit, while still proving the teams to be quite even.  Lil Buddy was all over the field, making catches and breaking up passes and finally caught the game winner from yours truly as Team Swing State will go into the books as the day's winner, though it was an extremely close contest.  

We circled up, and Moses led stretching while YHC ran to the car for an icepack for Kosar's cranium.  He may have a lump, but he was good to join for coffeeteria, where we had 100% attendance.  

Thanks to Swing State for taking us out, and to all the fellas for showing up and making this workout a blast.  

What's in store next week?  Probably not Ultimate, but there's always fun to be had at Bailey Road Park.