Toys for the boys, curls for the gurls

Event Date

May 03, 2021

We're coming up on beach season, so YHC brought out some weights so we could all get SWOLE. Here's the thang…


  • Mosey to back of parking lot
  • 20X SSH IC
  • 10X ISS IC
  • 10X Schrutes IC
  • Run across the parking lot for 10X Merkins OYO

The Thang

Partner up, making four sets of PAX (YHC was all by himself). Each team go to a station listed below.


  • 35 lb block for OH Press
  • 40 lb KB for KB swings
  • 45 lb plate for weighted reverse lunge
  • 55 lb barbell for curls (for the girls)

Partner 1 AMRAP your station; all the rest run across parking lot for 10X Burpees. Then switch.

Rotate stations! Same thing except 15X Jump Squats instead of burpees.

Rotate stations! Same thing except 10X Turkish Get ups.

Rotate stations! Same thing except 15X WW2s.

10X Perfect cadence SSH… FAIL, 10X burpees
15X Flutter kicks IC

Another round of stations!

10X Perfect cadence SSH… FAIL, 10X burpees. The Q messed up the perfect cadence. Wut?! Burpees were mandatory for Q but optional for everyone else.

10X Pull ups OYO

Mosey back to cars

10X Perfect cadence SSH…Success!

Went around the circle for Mary… Popcorn – Dot the W, The Force – Hip Dip, Frontier – Box Cutter, Amen – Janet Jackson (seemed an aweful lot like JLo), Etch – Alphabet up to E… RECOVER RECOVER


  • Thank you PAX for coming out under threat of rain. There were literally dozens of rain drops.
  • Thank you Enron for the privelage to Q the one and only Sword.
  • It was very sweaty… cause it's warm.
    • Story time: When I was in junior high, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was the big new way to communicate. A neighborhood girl was my girlfriend and we always chatted via AIM when we weren't together. She spelled her name Kristyn, which is the same as my now-wife…weird huh? Anyways, she would call my "sweety" via AIM, but she ALWAYS typed "sweaty". Not a typo, I think she just thought that's how you spelled it. It didn't last.
  • Prayers up for The Force's neighbor Christy and friend Christine, both battling breast cancer.
  • Until next time, love you sweaty